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Stop Your Personal Frustrations in Their Tracks with This One Simple Move and Unlock Your Personal Creativity with This One Simple Life Hack

Personal Frustrations in Their Tracks with This One Simple Move and Creativity with This One Simple Life Hack

By Adrian PraljakPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

Do you have a tough time separating your thoughts from your emotions? Has this ever happened to you? You're going about your day and everything seems to go well until you start thinking about something that happened in the past.

When that happened, your mood started to change. You became sad, angry, upset, suspicious, unsure of yourself, guilty, and you find yourself wallowing in a massive complex of often-conflicting emotions.

Has a certain person’s face appeared in your mind and all of a sudden your day heads south. If any of this has happened to you, welcome to the club. A lot of people experience this problem every single day. It seems that no matter how much in control we otherwise feel, the moment we think about a traumatic experience or somebody that we don't like, it just trips us up.

Do yourself a big favor. Pay close attention to how often that happens to you. If it happens with quite a bit of frequency, you know you have a problem on your hands. You're not living a life that is fully under your control. It seems that the moment certain things trigger these memories or these ideas, your emotions get the better of you. You start feeling angry. You start feeling sad, guilty, remorseful, or whatever else.

This can be very debilitating. It doesn’t a really matter how smart you are. It doesn’t really matter how capable you are of making things happen. When these things happen, you are not in control.

The worst part? You know that it is happening. After all, you have experienced this same chain of events many times before. Still, despite seeing this sequence play out over and over again, you can’t help it. A wave of negativity just comes over you and you keep repeating the same cycle over and over. You hate it. It fills you with regret. You also start doubting yourself. You start thinking that maybe you really can’t control much of your life. The self-doubt can be crushing.

What if I told you that you can stop your personal frustrations with this type of pattern with one simple move? I’m sure you’d sit up and pay attention, right? Here's the thing. It turns out that most people have a very powerful reality-bending machine at their disposal. We all have this.

Unfortunately, majority of us refuse to even acknowledge that we have this capability. Instead, we content ourselves with continuously banging our heads against the wall and hoping that somehow, some way things will fall into place. We keep repeating the same fruitless patterns over and over again knowing full well that it's not going to lead to anywhere productive but we still do it anyway. Talk about frustrating.

Personal Creativity with This One Simple Life Hack

Have you ever found yourself working on a problem and it seems that no matter how you try and no matter how long you try, you can't seem to make a breakthrough? It's as if you're trying to break into a house. You try the front door. You try the side door. You even try the basement.

However, regardless of the timing and regardless of how you do it and the angle you take, nothing seems to work. You even tried the roof. You tried busting a hole through the top of the building but you still can’t get in.

I know this sounds very frustrating and confusing, right? Welcome to the club. A lot of people have the same problem as you.

What makes this really frustrating is the fact that you know you are capable of solving this problem. After all, at a previous point in your life, you have tackled a similar problem and achieved great progress. You were able to solve the problem previously.

What changed? Why can't you solve the problem now? A lot of this has to do with your mindset. A lot of this has to do with the fact that you feel stuck in a rut. It's as if your mind is in a holding pattern and you can't seem to break three of that holding patterns.

If any of this sounds familiar, it should because the last time you lost something, chances are you kept looking at those places you’ve checked before. In fact, if you’re like most people, you probably have checked the same place several times before.

You came out empty-handed but that didn’t stop you from checking the place over and over again. At the back of your head, you’re thinking, “Somehow, some way, maybe this time, I will find what I’m looking for.”

Fat chance! You've already checked a million times before. What would make this time any different? You are stuck. This is why when people try to solve a problem or they try to work on creative endeavors, they draw a blank.

The good news is there's one simple life hack that you can use that will enable you to tap into the almost unlimited reservoir of imagination, creativity, and cleverness you already have. This is not something that somebody could give you. This capability is not something that is handed to you.

It’s definitely something that you inherit from your parents. It's already there. You already have it. It's like feeling really thirsty but right in front of you is this vast sea of fresh water. How frustrating is that?


About the Creator

Adrian Praljak

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