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These 3 Insights Gave Me a Disciplined and Consistent Mindset.

#2 takes off the weight of the need for constant progress.

By Zondra Dos AnjosPublished 6 months ago 5 min read
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We face times when being more productive and aiming for the next thing is a trend, and toxic positivity is easy to fall into.

A good amount of information is given day in and day out. Today, it’s challenging to assimilate which information to take in.

We live in a time where being the best version of ourselves is something we must achieve.

Now, there is nothing wrong with being the best version of yourself; the problem is when we start to try so hard that we forget that life is not about being the best but about being present.

Nobody wants to be the same anymore because it might be equalized to mediocrity. We are moving toward the future at the speed of light!

And in this motivational wave we have been on, sometimes it isn’t easy to cope with all the information and what one needs to live with high performance.

I will share some experiences that taught me to build consistency and discipline in this chaotic world.

Maintaining consistency is something that helps much, and it’s a challenge; when we are bombarded with so many things to do, discipline is an art, and it takes time and consistency to build.

By Justin Morgan on Unsplash

#1 The Trend

When I decided to work online, I wanted to do what was most popular, and I wanted results fast.

Then I realized after some time that this was ridiculous; one must be persistent to build up a business.

One of the reasons why I couldn’t keep my consistency was because I was trying to follow what everybody was doing.

We should remember that people have resulted because they maintained consistency for many years, some for decades, to build a business.

What you can do:

If you have many mentors, keep a consistent following with some, or if you want, one of them only.

I know… I know you have many great people you follow, but you have to decide what achievement you want first and then follow the mentor who has reached that best.

This will help you maintain consistency and realize that every action takes you in this direction.

By Chris Thompson on Unsplash

#2 Relax and Enjoy

Oh my God, so much information made me feel that what I was doing was never enough.

I worked on myself and my businesses for three years, from Sunday to Sunday, and taking a day off was a luxury.

My social life went down the drain because I chose to work instead of being with friends, but that’s fine because I also filtered out of my life some friends that were not resonating with my energy.

All the videos and information I saw then was that you are a super person if you manage to do as much as possible.

I didn’t keep consistency and lost two businesses because I needed to learn how to relax and enjoy time.

As I was so in love with my projects and being productive, I started to feel it was too much.

The mindset of persistence to the point of “it’s all or nothing” was toxic for my life.

Today, I look back and see what an illusion I lived by.

I learned that to have this kind of mindset from time to time and do things with a balance is much more productive, and the odds of achieving what we want are much higher.

What you can do:

Start one thing at a time.

Plant the seed, take care of it, and let it grow.

Having a mindset with a schedule that allows you to relax and have “me time” is gold.

Not giving you time to relax puts you in constant stress mode, and every time you don’t see the results, you become frustrated.

When you allow yourself to relax and enjoy life, ideas flow much more, and naturally, your projects will come to fruition.

By Nick Fewings on Unsplash

#3 The New Self

Back in the day, I was often at the gym, and with the years I built my businesses, I needed to give more attention to exercising.

I remember waking up briefly with the guilt that I was not working out as much as I wanted to.

Then you asked me: “Zondra if you were feeling guilty, why not go to the gym?”

Because I was soaked in the idea of building a business, my mindset was narrow at this time; I was doing the rat race.

If I went to the gym, I had to go for an hour, and to me, an hour was time to use at the gym at this time.

The new goals, projects, and metrics of the need to be highly productive got me tired in the long run.

Until the day I decided to change, and I remember this day.

I woke up at 4 a.m. and didn’t sleep that day because I had too much work; I slept at 5 a.m. the next day. This is unbelievable, I thought.

Then I saw that I was thinking, on the contrary, that my best version was not a version that chased money.

This best self is the self who attracts money almost effortlessly.

Even though my world was demanding at this time, I started to take smaller steps and step back from some work and projects I thought were taking too much of my energy.

What you can do:

Take small steps every single day to build your new version with consistency.

Stay calm if you are still waiting to see the results; after all, you are taking small steps, which might take time.

You are the best version of yourself every day, moving forward to the best of the best through learning from your experiences, reading the books you are interested in, and learning more about the field you are good at.

When your body signals that you must relax and enjoy, this is your best version already caring for you.

Final Words

By not following a trend and finding your authenticity, you find consistency.

Consistency comes from you being secure in what fits you and what you are more comfortable with.

Don’t always push yourself to be positive and productive; the days you feel down and sad are good so that you can appreciate the great days.

Remember the day you wish you were who you are now; somehow, you have progressed at your own pace.

successself helphealing

About the Creator

Zondra Dos Anjos

It’s a pleasure to meet you.

My Stories are about Astrology, Motivation, Spirituality, Stoicism, Self Development, Success and more.

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