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I Did These 5 Powerful Things and Attracted What I Wanted Amazingly.

#2 was the most challenging to learn and deal with.

By Zondra Dos AnjosPublished 6 months ago 5 min read
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These things I did showed me how to attract what I wanted into my life.

Based on my experiences, you can attract what you desire and potentialize your attraction energy.

The changes that happened in my life were unbelievable after I found out about what I am going to share with you.

Occasionally, I always found myself going after what I wanted, and when I didn’t get it, frustration came over me.

I was exhausted from so much effort and little results until I understood what I was doing wrong.

Everything that comes into our mind as “desire” is a message from our higher self, saying that we can tune with the frequency of what we want.

Now, you are probably thinking that “well, to attract things is easy.” many people talk these days about LOA (Law of Attraction). Many unnecessary techniques are presented that don’t help in the long run.

From now on, those behaviors you will have to attract what you want are so easy that you can underestimate them.

That is where you need to be careful because what you might be underestimating is what you need to see or do to fulfill your goals.

Here’s the question: have you noticed what you have been attracting into your life lately? Are you happy with it? If not, don’t worry because you will learn how to change it.

I asked you those questions so you could think about the importance you are giving to your desires right now.

One of my major mistakes was to underestimate signs under my nose. I didn’t believe them because I always waited for the next major thing to happen.

Here are the five behaviors you can start today:

By Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

#1 Decision

Harvey Cox, an American Theologian, said once:

“Not to decide is to decide.”

The decision is a crucial act to attain what you want. First, you must decide if you wish to do what you desire.

It sounds strange, but most people want things because others want them to be so and so or do this or that.

Or they decide to want it because they saw it on social media or they are following a trend all over the internet.

The reason I am mentioning this to you is because I have struggled a lot with decisions before.

As I began my career, I believed that doing what everybody was doing to make money was the best decision.

After some years and almost getting burned out by TikTok, I understood this was shutting my voice and authenticity.

I decided to find my own style and voice on the internet.

I decided that nothing would distract me from being my authentic self. With my desires in mind, I discovered I had a different way of reading tarot, and people liked it.

Finally, my style was more familiar to me, and you know what the strangest thing was?

As I was getting to know myself better, there were qualities I had that I didn’t know were there.

When you decide something, your subconscious mind starts to attract everything you need to achieve what you desire, like opportunities, synchronicities, and people to help you along the way.

What you can do:

Find your voice in the world.

It does not matter where you come from; first, second, or third country, you are unique.

Find your creator style following and getting inspired by people you admire.

Have the strength to follow your path and do what you are passionate about. Your parents want what is best for you, but they have lived their lives, so live yours and don’t allow people to dictate what you should be or do.

By Jonny Gios on Unsplash

#2 Knowing who you are

When I started to know myself better, I could see my shadows and qualities.

I understood why I reacted to certain things and what my triggers were.

The approach I had to my thoughts was compassion, knowing that the path of getting to know myself was a path of healing and I was on the right way.

Books about occultism and spiritism became my best friends, and self-development podcasts and how to improve my skills articles are my passions.

As I grew increasingly over the years, I noticed that some routines, places, and behaviors were not suitable for my life anymore. I was using my time on things that needed to be aligned with my purpose.

What you can do:

Read as much as you can on books on self-development and growth.

Connect with yourself by watching the thoughts your awareness brings to your attention. Don’t react to the ideas; protect them, and if they are negative, reframe them in a positive direction.

Filter your life away from everything that distracts you; it’s that simple.

By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

#3 Planning

Now that you have decided what you want, you are more aligned with it, and then you are getting to know yourself more and more every day.

So, what is next?

I asked this question myself in times of uncertainty so many times.

Even though I had no answers, I continued to walk my path no matter what.

I planned my routine and planned my path toward what I wanted to achieve.

I drew a mind map of the things I wanted and what I needed to achieve them and started to take action.

And guess what? Things started to happen, and the signs that the Universe sent me made me act even more on my plans.

What you can do:

Plan like you already have what you want to desire.

What would happen today if you had what you wanted?

If you were very near to getting what you wanted, what would you do?

If you knew you would call it, what would you do today to make it happen faster?

You have to be what you desire; remember that you attract what you are.

There is something you can do today, at this time, which is a step further toward your goal.

By Júnior Ferreira on Unsplash

#4 Ask

The forth step is to ask for what you want from the Universe.

The ask doesn’t need to be loud or extravagant; you aren’t hailing a taxi in rush hour. It’s more of an intentional thought process.

It’s about pinpointing your deepest desire and saying to the Universe, “That. That’s what I need.”

Remember, the Universe has a knack for understanding, so don’t be afraid to get specific.

By Ran Berkovich on Unsplash

#5 Believe

The fifth step is to believe. Now, this isn’t just any casual acknowledgment.

The belief we’re talking about here is unwavering, steadfast, and extreme.

It’s convinced your request is coming, even when you can’t see it.

When you internalize this belief, you act, feel, and speak as though your desires are already met.

It’s a confident stride knowing that your order at the Cosmic Cafe is being processed.

Remember not to waver; stay committed and patient, and persist in your belief.

Final thoughts

Making a decision is one of the most important things we must do in life.

When we decide, things come through quickly, and we can achieve what we want faster.

Dwell of your decisions for a short period, but don’t overthink it.

When you don’t decide, you are also choosing.

By planning our path toward what we want, we are signing a contract with ourselves that we are ready to walk the way no matter what.

Knowing ourselves gives us the power to find our voice and authenticity.

We are unique beings, and everyone has something to contribute to the world.

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About the Creator

Zondra Dos Anjos

It’s a pleasure to meet you.

My Stories are about Astrology, Motivation, Spirituality, Stoicism, Self Development, Success and more.

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