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The Way of Wudang

Lessons in Balance of life Part 2

By TitanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Master Liu and his student set out on a journey through the mountains of Xuefeng, a range known for its treacherous terrain and harsh climate. They faced many challenges on their journey, including steep cliffs, icy paths, and bitter cold. Despite the hardships, Master Liu remained steadfast and focused, never once showing signs of discomfort or pain.

As they trudged through the deep snow, the student marveled at the master's resilience and asked him how he managed to endure the harsh weather without complaint. Master Liu smiled and said, "It is not that I do not feel the cold, but rather that I have learned to embrace it. Pain and discomfort are natural parts of life, and we must learn to accept them as we do the pleasant things."

After several days of trekking, they finally arrived at a small temple nestled in the heart of the Xuefeng Mountains. As they settled in the small hut, the master took off his shirt, revealing his muscular and scarred body. The student couldn't help but stare in shock at the countless scars that covered the master's chest and back. The student asked in a scared voice, "Master what happened to you" and the Master calmly replied, "These scars are the result of years of training and battles with myself. Each one tells a story of my journey towards self-mastery."

The student felt a mix of awe and inspiration as he listened to the master's words. He realized that the path to mastery was not easy, but required a great deal of dedication, discipline, and sacrifice. The scars on the master's body were a physical representation of the mental and emotional battles he had fought to become the person he was today.

Then, Master Liu taught the student about the second fundamental lesson of the Way of Wudang, "Balance is key." He explained that balance was not just a physical concept but also an emotional and spiritual one. One must strive to find balance in all aspects of life, whether it be between work and play, between the body, mind, and spirit, or between one's desires and obligations. Master Liu emphasized that finding balance was essential to achieving true mastery and inner peace.

To illustrate the importance of balance, Master Liu took the student outside and showed him a nearby tree that had grown lopsided and unbalanced due to the heavy snowfall. The tree, he explained, was a metaphor for how an unbalanced life could lead to stagnation and lack of growth. Just as the tree needed pruning and care to restore its balance and vitality, so too did humans need to strive for balance to reach their full potential. "But that is not all to the tree", the Master said. Then what, the student asked. The Master replied in a serious voice "The tree still stands tall and firm, its roots deeply grounded in the earth, its branches reaching towards the sky. It reminds us that strength comes from both our foundation and our aspirations."

The student listened intently, realizing how much he had already learned on this journey. He thought about the hardships they had faced and how they had pushed him to his limits, but also how they had taught him to persevere and to find balance even in the midst of adversity. With newfound gratitude and inspiration, the student thanked Master Liu for his teachings and promised to continue his journey with an open heart and a balanced mind. Master Liu smiled, knowing that his student was well on his way to becoming a true master of the Way of Wudang.

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About the Creator


Just a college student who needed some motivation so I started writing. Hope the wisdom helps. I won't be creating stories for only one genre so stick around, you'll find a variety of stories.

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