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The Selfish Guru

Balancing "Me" and "We" in the Selfie-Centered Age

By rachel ndlelaPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, in the bustling city of New Metroville, there lived a man named Sam. He was not your average guy; he was, in fact, an expert in the art of selfishness. It was a skill he had perfected over years of practice, and he prided himself on being the most selfish person in town.

One sunny morning, as Sam sipped his organic, triple-shot, non-fat latte, he had an epiphany. What if he could turn his selfishness into a business, a path to enlightenment for others? And so, Sam decided to become a guru of selfishness.

He rented a small, hipster-chic studio in the heart of New Metroville, painted the walls with shades of "Selfish Sunset," and put up a neon sign that read: "Sam's Selfish Sanctuary - Discover the Joy of ME!"

Word quickly spread through the city about the eccentric new guru. People flocked to his studio, curious to see what this "selfish enlightenment" was all about. Sam greeted them with a sly grin, knowing that he was about to change their lives.

Inside his studio, Sam began his sessions with what he called the "Selfish Mantras." He taught his disciples to repeat after him, "I am the center of my universe, and that's just the way it should be."

The disciples, at first hesitant, started to embrace these mantras. They found themselves saying no to things they didn't want to do, prioritizing their desires, and taking time for themselves. It felt liberating.

Sam believed that true selfishness required practice. So, he assigned "Selfish Challenges" to his disciples. One week, they had to say no to every favor requested of them. Another week, they were to indulge in their favorite treats without guilt.

One of Sam's disciples, Lisa, shared a humorous story from her "Selfish Challenge." Her friend asked her to help move to a new apartment, and Lisa, following Sam's teachings, simply replied, "Sorry, but I'll be busy indulging in some much-needed 'me time' that day." Her friend laughed and said, "I need some 'me time' too!" They ended up spending the day at a spa.

As the selfish movement grew, Sam initiated a "Selfish Support Group." People gathered weekly to share their experiences and cheer each other on. They swapped stories of turning down extra work, taking spontaneous vacations, and pursuing their passions without guilt.

One evening, an enthusiastic disciple named Max shared his story. He had always wanted to be a stand-up comedian but had been too afraid of rejection. Following Sam's teachings, he signed up for an open mic night and bombed terribly. But the experience was liberating. Max laughed as he told the group, "I realized that even failing at something I love is better than succeeding at something I don't care about."

After months of practicing selfishness, Sam's disciples found themselves happier, more fulfilled, and ironically, more compassionate. They realized that by prioritizing their own well-being, they had more to give to others when they chose to.

One day, as Sam looked at his thriving "Selfish Sanctuary," he realized that his mission had been accomplished. He had turned the pursuit of selfishness into a path of self-discovery and enlightenment for others.

But just as Sam revelled in his success, a new disciple, Sarah, entered his studio. Sarah seemed different from the others. She was genuinely self-centred, caring little for the happiness of others. Sam, initially excited to have such a dedicated follower, soon realized the problem. Sarah's selfishness knew no bounds, and it was hurting people.

In a one-on-one session, Sam confronted Sarah. "You've taken the idea of selfishness to an extreme," he said. "It's important to find a balance between self-care and caring for others."

Sarah, unfazed, replied, "Why should I care about balance when I can get everything I want?"

Sam realized he had created a monster. He couldn't let Sarah's extreme selfishness tarnish the movement he had built.

In a surprising twist, Sam decided to take a selfless approach. He worked with Sarah, teaching her the importance of considering the feelings and needs of others. It was a challenging journey, but over time, Sarah began to understand the value of balance and compassion.

The selfish movement evolved into a philosophy of self-care and kindness, where people learned that taking care of themselves allowed them to better care for others. The Selfish Sanctuary became a place of enlightenment for all.

As Sam sat in his studio, now painted with shades of "Selfless Serenity," he couldn't help but smile. He had learned the most profound lesson of all - the power of finding harmony between selfishness and selflessness.

And so, in a city that had once celebrated selfishness, it was the wise guru who had discovered the true path to enlightenment - a path where "me" and "we" could coexist in perfect harmony.

successself helphealinghappiness

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    RNWritten by rachel ndlela

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