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The Numbers of Life

Why We Need to Stop Measuring Our Lives in Numbers

By Leigh HooperPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

We all do it; the whole of society measures their lives by numbers. The numbers on the scales. The number of people we have sex with. The number of online friends (or enemies) we have. The number that reads on our bank balance. We are all told these numbers matter. We are told if our numbers aren't good enough then we should be ashamed of ourselves, our self worth is worthless.

As a society we compare our numbers to other people's numbers. We put down our self worth because the numbers are too low or too high. We worry that other people will judge us for our numbers, we worry other people will laugh. We pray our numbers will change. We put blood, sweat, and tears into making our numbers look more impressive. But why? what are we trying to prove to each other? Are we trying to make society a world of competition, where the numbers rule us all? We shouldn't measure our lives like this, because life isn't about the binary stuff. It's not all zeros and ones, life is about living.

If you want to measure your life then measure it in the amount of times you've laugh-cried with friends over something silly. Measure your life by the kisses and hugs you receive from loved one, measure your life by how happy you've been; measure your life by the photos you have that remind you of past memories. Measure your life by the people that have come into your life and made it a better place. Measure your life by the books you've read that have made you laugh, made you cry, made you see the world in a different way. Measure your life in happiness, joy, and the freedom to be who you want to be. Measure your life by the different places you have traveled to, measure your life by the sound of rain hitting your roof while you're warm and safe. Measure your life in how big your smile is, how good your body looks and how amazing your life actually is.

You don't have to measure your life in numbers. As a society we've been brainwashed into thinking that the numbers are all that matters in life. But that's bullshit. You, yes you, have the power to measure your life however you like. You can choose your self worth, there's no need to be defined by numbers. You get to choose what's important to you. Each individual person will not have the same ideology as the next, so forget if Bettie next door judges you; don't worry about Jim who laughs at you for something you care about. Don't worry about measuring your life in numbers, worry about measuring your life by the things that are important to you.

It took me a while to understand that I was capable of making my life how I wanted it. I didn't have to define myself by the weight my scales showed. I didn't have to define my worth by how many followers I have on social media. I didn't have to define myself by the numbers of life that we are forced to believe matter.

At the end of the day we are all human, we're all the same, and we are in control of how we measure our lives. We must not let society, the government, big corporations or anyone else stand in our way and force numbers down our throats.

Measure your life, measure your self worth, how you want it. Start today. You'll notice the difference, I promise. So go forth and enjoy life. Smile, it's a big world out there.

self help

About the Creator

Leigh Hooper

A writer in her twenties with a head full of ideas and a room full of books✨

My Instagram handle is: @leighooper

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