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The Meaning of Hope

Always knowing there's better to come

By Ray "The-Visualist" CooperPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Hope... such a small word, holding such great value.

I remember the times where I had NO.....Hope

I know Im, not the only one who has felt this way or a better way of saying it is "lack of feeling". The times where it's just an empty hole in your chest, a void where all dreams go to die. Nothing good ever comes from this deep darkness, only negative feelings are felt through NOT having this ONE feeling.


So it seems like a easy solution right? "Well just find hope!" I love when people say this, my response to that is, "Ok, well show me what hope looks like, explain it to me".

Now I'm left waiting for this individual to explain what hope is to me, do you know what happens? Awkwardness, I'm left standing there looking at whoever I may be having this conversation, with them looking at me as if I have 200 heads. They can easily say something but to actually think about it and have an explanation behind their statement, we are left confused and dazed. Funny makes me think that's where the phrase "Easier said than done," comes from. HA! Im just as guilty of doing this from time to time, we all are. It is much easier to just say "Yea I'm going to do the dishes, go get some groceries, OH! I can get some laundry done too while Im out!" Ok, that's awesome, but realistically how much of that stuff did you get done? Probably one or two, is it safe to say?

Yea, me too lol. We need to recondition our minds, make the changes necessary so we are more productive and aware of ourselves and our surroundings. Have the hope within yourself to be proactive in your words. Stop just talking, physically, mentally, and emotionally do it! We tend to be able to give GREAT advice to others, but we lack being able to take that advice. Read that again! Life has its ups and downs it's what we do during those down times that will influence if a future situation will be negative or positive it will all be determined by your perspective and way of thinking.

Being able to always view the positive in any situation is a level of awareness that can only be established through time, determination, and that's right HOPE. With having hope so many attributes of your life will be impacted in an uplifting manner! Now I'm not able to just tell you how to have and get hope, that's up to you and your mental state if you are ready and willing to put in the time and effort to reframe your mentality. I dont have all the answers what I do possess is experience, and what has helped/worked for me in my lifetime, to how I see and act towards aspects in life. I don't believe in "telling" someone how to do something, or what they can or can't do. Oh, no no no, I simply speak on personal experience and examples from my journey to hopefully give you a view or a guide so to speak, of how different courses and views have brought hope to me. Call it being "Inspired to Inspire" if you will.

Pull yourself up out of those depths and remodel the way you think. See yourself worth pulling together and go out and accomplish what it is you've "talked about" doing. Go and DO it! Always remember you are not alone nor will you ever be, hope has always been with us. We just need to tap into that part of our mind and hold onto it and shape our new selves around it.

This is a topic I will be producing articles on. If this peeks you're interested please do follow me on social media, stay in touch!

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About the Creator

Ray "The-Visualist" Cooper

Ray "The-Visualist" Cooper

The simplicity of being able to provide a sense of hope, through my words is what makes what I do so meaningful and worth it!!

My writings are more than just words on a page.

Their from the heart!


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