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The Lost Ways

"Rediscovering the Forgotten Survival Skills and Wisdom of Our Ancestors"

By Alabi KayodePublished about a year ago 2 min read

The Lost Ways is a survival guide written by Claude Davis that focuses on the skills and knowledge that were essential to our ancestors for survival, but have been lost over time due to the convenience of modern life. The guide covers a range of survival techniques that can be applied in various scenarios, including natural disasters, economic collapse, and social unrest.

One of the strengths of The Lost Ways is its focus on practical, hands-on skills. Davis covers a wide range of topics, from food preservation techniques to building shelters, and provides detailed instructions and illustrations for each technique. This makes the guide accessible and easy to follow, even for those with little prior experience in survival skills.

The guide is also well-researched and draws on historical examples of how people survived difficult circumstances. Davis provides fascinating insights into the ingenuity and resourcefulness of our ancestors, and how they were able to thrive in the face of adversity. By learning from their examples, readers can gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to survive in difficult situations.

One of the most useful sections of the guide is the chapter on food preservation. Davis covers a range of techniques, including smoking, curing, and pickling, and provides step-by-step instructions for each method. He also discusses the benefits of each technique and how to choose the best one depending on the type of food and the available resources.

Another standout section of the guide is the chapter on building shelters. Davis provides detailed instructions on how to build a variety of shelters, from simple lean-tos to more complex structures using natural materials. He also covers the basics of fire building, water collection, and other essential skills for survival.

However, some may find the guide overly focused on traditional gender roles and heteronormative relationships. While Davis acknowledges that his advice can be applied to a range of situations, the guide is primarily aimed at men and assumes a traditional family structure with a male provider and a female caregiver. This may limit its relevance to certain audiences.

Additionally, some may find the guide overly alarmist or paranoid in its tone. Davis warns of a range of potential threats to modern society, from economic collapse to terrorist attacks, and emphasizes the importance of being prepared for any eventuality. While some may find this approach reassuring, others may find it unnecessarily fearful or extreme.

Another potential drawback of The Lost Ways is its limited focus on mental and emotional preparedness. While Davis provides practical advice for physical survival, he does not address the psychological and emotional challenges that can arise in a survival situation. This may leave readers unprepared for the mental and emotional toll of a survival scenario.

The Lost Ways is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning practical survival skills. While it may not be the right approach for everyone, its focus on hands-on skills and historical examples make it a useful guide for those looking to become more self-sufficient and prepared for a range of scenarios. By providing practical strategies and step-by-step instructions for survival, The Lost Ways empower readers to take control of their own survival and security.

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Alabi Kayode

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