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The Law of attraction miyamoto musashi

Law of Attraction & Miyamoto Musashi

By Young WriterPublished 10 months ago 3 min read


Greetings, everyone! I hope you're having a fantastic day. Today, we delve into the concept of the Law of Attraction and explore its practical application in the real world. While the Law of Attraction is widely known, its implementation often remains elusive for many individuals. This article aims to delve deeper into the law and provide a unique perspective on attracting success, not by mere wishful thinking but by deserving it through value and perception.

The Power of Action:

Undoubtedly, mindset plays a crucial role in our journey towards success. However, it is only the first step in a larger process. Mere thoughts and positive affirmations will not manifest our desires unless we back them with action and consistent effort. Much like achieving a fit physique requires hitting the gym and adopting a healthy diet, actualizing our goals necessitates putting in the work and dedication.

Beyond Selfish Desires:

The Law of Attraction is often misunderstood as a tool to materialize selfish desires. However, its true essence lies in considering the world deeply and identifying how our skills and talents can offer value to others. While the world may seem focused on personal wants, true success lies in understanding what the world truly needs and providing solutions.

Value Creation and Perception:

To harness the power of the Law of Attraction effectively, two critical conditions must be met. First, we must genuinely become valuable in our chosen field by honing our skills and acquiring expertise. Second, we need to be perceived as valuable by others, creating a powerful aura that attracts opportunities and success.

Applying the Law of Attraction in Business:

Let's consider a scenario where a university student aspires to land a job at a prestigious firm. Rather than adopting the conventional approach of sending countless applications and appearing desperate, a smarter strategy involves researching the industry's challenges and potential solutions. At a career fair, engaging in genuine conversations with executives about their company's problems and discussing well-thought-out solutions demonstrates value and expertise. This approach positions the student as a valuable asset and attracts the firm's interest, shifting the dynamics of the job search.

Transforming Relationships Through Value:

The Law of Attraction is not confined to business; it extends to relationships as well. Building meaningful connections requires understanding the needs and desires of others, empathizing with their struggles, and offering genuine solutions. By focusing on providing value to potential partners rather than solely seeking personal fulfillment, we become the prize worth pursuing.

Changing the Game:

By embodying value and perception, we shift from chasing opportunities to attracting them. Taking control of our destiny involves making firms, people, or potential partners come to us rather than the other way around. This empowering stance places us in a strong negotiation position, allowing us to select the best fit for our goals and aspirations.

The Journey to Self-Value:

Realizing the potential of the Law of Attraction begins with acknowledging our worth. If we feel inadequate, we must work on ourselves to enhance our skills and talents. With dedicated effort, we build self-confidence and a strong belief in our abilities.

Projecting Perceived Value:

Confidence alone is not enough; we must convey our worth effectively to others. Crafting a strong personal brand that reflects our expertise and the solutions we offer is vital in being perceived as valuable. This branding creates an aura that attracts success and opportunities towards us.

Success Across All Fields:

The principles of the Law of Attraction are universal and can be applied to various aspects of life, including career, relationships, and personal growth. By consistently integrating these principles into every pursuit, we gain a significant advantage over our competition and pave the way for unparalleled success.


The Law of Attraction is not a mere theory; it is a powerful tool that, when harnessed correctly, can transform our lives. By recognizing the importance of action, value creation, and perception, we shift from being passive participants in life to active creators of our destinies. Let us embrace the true essence of the Law of Attraction and embark on a journey of attracting success through deserving it.

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Young Writer

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