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The Emotional Scale

How emotions fuel the Law of Attraction

By Angela SchnaubeltPublished 5 years ago Updated about a year ago 4 min read
Numerical assignments of vibration of emotions according to the book Power Vs. Force by David Hawkins

Emotions vibrate at certain frequencies. Learn about the frequencies so that you can take charge of how you feel.

David Hawkins suggests that you can muscle test yourself or others to determine just where you are vibrating at. Are you enlightened? Are you depressed? These are two vibrations that are at either end of the scale.

David Hawkins' scale can be useful for some reference, but I feel that Abraham Hicks has a more comprehensive and useful scale to work with in terms of the Law of Attraction and taking control of your life.

Abraham Hicks also has a scale of emotions that I resonate with more closely, as it fine tunes each emotion and you can see where you start to get into the zone of manifesting what you want in life.

Abraham describes a process by which you can shift your emotions to vibrate at a higher frequency so that you can create the life you want: more money, more love, more abundance, more joy, and more happiness.

You are in control of your emotions! Create a better life for yourself!

Thoughts are Different Than Emotions

Thoughts can reinforce your emotions, but there is a difference. The Universe/God/Source Energy understands the language of emotions. Source Energy communicates in vibrational signals, not in thought forms.

Emotions vibrate at different frequencies, and this is what the scale of emotions is all about. Learn to distinguish between the emotions and the fine distinctions among all of them so that you can be more in control of your feelings.

Study the Emotional Guidance Scale by Abraham Hicks so that you are familiar with how to move up the scale when you are feeling bad. This is a great technique on how to improve your mood.

You Are In Control of Your Emotions

Yes, you can control how you feel. You have free will to decide how you feel, how you react, and how you perceive any situation. Even "reality" is an illusion, according to Buddhist monks. To break the illusion, it's helpful to read A Course In Miracles by Dr. Helen Schucman.

Identify what makes you feel good. If you are feeling shame, fear, and guilt, which are at the very lowest end of the emotional scale of vibrations, then you can inch your way up the scale by exploring emotions that are a close vibration, yet are improvements.

For example, hatred is an improvement over depression and despair. And anger is an even better improvement over hatred.

Appreciation is the Shortcut to Feeling Better

While normally it's too much of a stretch to jump up the scale in quantum leaps, there is a shortcut. Instead of inching up the scale, one higher vibrational emotion at a time, you can focus on what you are grateful for.

Make a list of what you appreciate in your life. Try to write down 100 things you are grateful for. This shifts your attention to what is going right in your life instead of what is going wrong.

If you run out of things, then write, "at least I'm not..." For example: "At least I'm not sick," and "At least I'm not homeless," or "At least I'm not starving."

You will find that the vibration of appreciation is at the top of the Emotional Guidance Scale, similar to joy, freedom, unconditional love, and the feeling of being empowered. Those emotions make you feel like you are flying! Or, as Abraham Hicks calls it, you are "on your high flying disk." You are "tuned in, tapped in, turned on." You are in the flow of Grace, in alignment with Source Energy, and dialed in to your escrow of unlimited abundance.

Law of Attraction and Taking Charge of Your Life

How great would that be? To be able to access the unlimited abundance that Source Energy has waiting for us. And it's all fueled by emotions.

Get control of your emotions by listening to more great Abraham Hicks videos, or by simply finding the things that give you joy in life—petting your dog or cat, walking in nature, watching a sunset, listening to your favorite movie.

This is the Law of Attraction. This is a metaphysical law of the Universe. This is how it works. Emotions are the key. Emotions and how you feel are the linchpin secret to manifesting everything you want in life.

Yes, it's that simple. Emotions fuel your creation of the best life ever. I believe in you, and I absolutely know that you can do this. You can focus your attention on that which brings you joy, and you can create whatever you want in life.

Read another article about What Brings You Joy? and feel free to comment, below.

The Emotional Guidance Scale by Abraham Hicks

The Emotional Guidance Scale, according to Abraham HIcks in the book, Ask and It is Given


About the Creator

Angela Schnaubelt

Stage 4 cancer survivor and thriver. Marketing strategist and business development coach for alternative health practitioners. World traveled, intelligent and ambitious yet heart centered. Lover of nature, animals, and life!!

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