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What Brings You Joy?

The emotion of joy fuels Law of Attraction

By Angela SchnaubeltPublished 5 years ago Updated about a year ago 4 min read
Law of Attraction suggests that we follow our bliss instead of facing our fears. Reality is where you place your attention.

Your reality depends on where you place your attention. "Reality" is not about the illusion of evidence that you currently see around you. Stop focusing on what currently "is," and switch your attention to what you want to feel.

This is the creation cycle. This is Law of Attraction at its core: the feeling of what you want to manifest. What you feel is what you create. It's not the power of positive thinking. It's not wishful thinking or prayer or faith. It's how you feel. That is what fuels what you create in your life—for better or worse.

What do you love? What brings you joy? Focus on that feeling. Do you love being in nature? Does spending time with your dog or cat bring you joy? Do you feel blissful when listening to your favorite music?

It's All About the Feeling of Joy

Emotion fuels the creation process. You are a creator. You have the power to manifest anything you want. It's not about the power of positive thinking, because the Universe does not understand your thoughts or your words, but hears the language of emotion.

Dial into the emotion of joy, feel into it and dwell there for as long as you can. Cuddle with your pet, turn on your favorite song, go for a walk in nature. Connect with that feeling. Linger as long as possible in the feeling of bliss.

The more you practice the feeling of joy, the more exciting your life will be. You will attract people who are joyful, as well. You will manifest things more easily in your life. This is how you make your life better. This is how you take back control of your life. You've had the power all along!

Learn to dwell in the feeling of joy and appreciation, and practice extending the time you stay in that feeling. Does it last for 17 seconds? Four minutes? 10 minutes? Practice staying in the joy, and extend the time, so that you can raise your vibration permanently.

Focus on Your Emotions

While in this blissful state, focus your attention on what you want to manifest. Remember, if you want more money, but are feeling resentful or discouraged, frustrated, or a strong feeling of lack, then that is what the Universe delivers—more lack of money.

Positive thoughts is not enough! It's the feeling of abundance, the feeling of freedom, the feeling of being secure with money (in this example). Same with love: it's the feeling of being in love and being loved, not the idea of it. If you are feeling the lack, then you will get more of the same—scarcity.

If you can stay in a feeling of joy, viscerally feeling the freedom that the money or love coming your way will give you, then that is what the Universe understands and delivers to you.

Get ahead of it. Feel the joy before it's a physical reality. Feel the joy now. Stay in this feeling, and abundance in all areas of your life will flow. The floodgates of abundance will open up and flow freely towards you.

'Inside Out', the Movie

Modern society does not encourage recognizing emotions, healthy expression, and processing our feelings. To get a better understanding of emotions at a basic level in an entertaining way, check out the adorable and heart wrenching movie, Inside Out by Disney Pixar. Yes, it's educational and entertaining even for adults!

Enjoy the personification of Joy and other emotions in this brilliant movie. Get inspired to experience the full range of emotions, and feel empowered to take control of your emotions in a healthy way.

I cried my eyes out the entire movie, but it really is inspirational and will probably hit a nerve with you when you watch it. Very endearing to see all of the emotions personified and how they interact with each other.

Emotions are driving the train. It's emotions, not thoughts, that are the missing piece that many of us are not taught about in school or by our parents.

Emotions fuel the Law of Attraction. Emotions fuel the creation process. Emotions are the best kept secret to reclaiming our creator powers.

Click here to read more about The Emotional Scale: How emotions fuel the Law of Attraction.


About the Creator

Angela Schnaubelt

Stage 4 cancer survivor and thriver. Marketing strategist and business development coach for alternative health practitioners. World traveled, intelligent and ambitious yet heart centered. Lover of nature, animals, and life!!

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