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Spiritual Warrior

Everyone has the choice to be happy, but few people actively pursue it.

By Bikash PoolingamPublished about a year ago 4 min read

An someone who battles the delusions of fear, lies, false beliefs, and judgements that bring sorrow and unhappiness into his or her life is known as a spiritual warrior. It is a battle that goes on inside a person's head and heart. The Spiritual Warrior's mission is the same as that of all other spiritual seekers. The Spiritual Warrior approaches this obstacle knowing clearly that he is the one fighting this battle within himself and that the victor will be Truth and unwavering love.

It takes awareness, courage, discipline, and commitment to change the emotional body in order to defeat fear. These are a few of a warrior's qualities.

The Spiritual Warrior's awareness

Awareness is the primary and most important weapon of the spiritual warrior. Although it is simple to believe that we are aware, true awareness is thoughtless. It lacks interpretation, which prevents it from thinking. To be aware is to clearly observe the reality of what is happening without judgement or opinion. A brief awareness causes the internal dialogue to end. We are "viewing" from a perspective distinct from that of our thinking minds. An epiphany could be used to describe this. Experienced seers constantly maintain this awareness.

Because our ability to distinguish between the facts and the Truth, and between the story and the lies in our minds, depends on our consciousness, awareness is crucial. Our mental world is rife with erroneous notions and assumptions. Even if the mind is quite skilled at fabricating stories and lies, the discriminating intelligence is found in consciousness of awareness. We might employ highly sophisticated thinking to come to a bad conclusion for ourselves. Only to find in retrospect that we ignored signs that suggested the opposite. This is possible even with a straightforward stock investment. Although intelligent, the mind is nevertheless loaded with presumptions and restrictive paradigms. We may see clearly instead of being blinded by these false belief paradigms thanks to conscious awareness.

Self-awareness is the ability to identify with who and what you are without becoming distracted by inflated notions of oneself. Our idea of who we are is distorted by these egotistical images in our heads. False perceptions might make us feel insecure and self-conscious, or they can make us become self-absorbed. If you have a preconceived notion of who you are, keep in mind that you are not that notion. You are the one who comes up with and notices the idea. The first step to overcoming self-importance is realizing that you are not any of those mental pictures.

The Spiritual Warrior's Courage

A good spiritual warrior has the same courage as a good soldier, but their goal is entirely different. A soldier has the bravery to take on a challenge that could result in injury. The courageous spiritual fighter is not afraid to dispute his or her own convictions. By questioning our own assumptions, we can dispel the lies that are the root of our misery. It takes bravery to question our own ideas because doing so would destroy our sense of security. We are typically quick to defend our own opinions when they are questioned by others. Even if they hurt us, we still stand up for them. As a warrior, we discover how to challenge our own views rather than defending them. In this manner, we are able to distinguish between reality and delusion.

Discipline of the Spiritual Warrior

A soldier has the self-control to obey commands and press on despite difficulties. The determination of the Spiritual Warrior to stick to their course in the face of obstacles posed by the mind. As a soldier, it is simpler to comply with commands since we are encouraged by rewards and threats of punishment. This fits with the years of conditioning we've had. A warrior must possess the self-control to practise mental training without external rewards or punishments to motivate them. A fighter must follow the dictates of their own heart, not those of an external authority. This frequently entails defying the paranoid thoughts that lure us with fantasies of retribution and reward. We also have to possess the self-control to act against temptation to follow someone else's opinion. This manner of life calls for consistent practice.

Love of the Spiritual Warrior

A soldier swears to love his or her country. The spiritual warrior must be dedicated to loving themselves. After that, the warrior shows that love to everyone. The dedication is necessary because we will undoubtedly stumble and fall a lot along the way. We are able to rise back up because of our great devotion. It's typical to make snap decisions. Some individuals can be simple to love, especially those who appreciate us or treat us well. But it takes a tremendous amount of devotion to love people who reject us.We will have to question our views about making snap judgements and lacking compassion as a result of this commitment. Beyond our own self-serving interests and the benefits it will bring us, we must be committed to love. We will achieve happiness outside of our current paradigm of beliefs in this way. We eventually commit to love because we genuinely like showing it. Thus, we pledge to doing this. By expressing love, we feed ourselves. A warrior displays this steadfast behavior even in the face of opposition.

King Leonidas, in my opinion, was the greatest warrior. Even though he endured rejection and physical abuse throughout his life, he had the fortitude, the self-control, and the willingness to love without condition. The only emotions he produced and conveyed were love and compassion, even when his body was experiencing physical anguish. He did not justify his hatred or judgement in his thoughts. This is exceptionally perfect. We can learn to love unconditionally in the face of adversity if he could love despite his difficulties.

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About the Creator

Bikash Poolingam

"Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly."

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