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A quest of finding yourself

By Sarim ShakeelPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Lili Kovac on Unsplash

Once upon a time, a young man endured an inexplainable void in his actuality despite his abundant success in his career and social life. The weight of his emptiness came to a burden he could no longer bear, so he decided to take a bold step toward self discovery by retreating into the solitude of a cabin in the woods.

Initially, the silence and stillness of his new terrain unsettled him. The absence of the usual distractions of his diurnal life left him to defy his deepest fears and questions. still, as time passed, he started to fete the beauty in the simplicity of his isolated life.

The young man began to forge a deeper connection with his spirituality during his time in insulation. Without the constant intrusions of the outside world, he was able to commune with his Creator in ways he never had before. The consummation that he was no way truly alone, indeed in the middle of nowhere, brought him immense comfort and tranquility.

Through his isolation, the young man found himself at the core of his being. He had the occasion to reflect deeply on his own beliefs, desires, and aspirations without being told by external pressures. He discovered what was truly essential to him and gained a sense of clarity and purpose in his life.

As he ultimately surfaced from his retreat, the young man had converted into a different person entirely. He held a new outlook on life and connections and felt more connected to both himself and his Creator. He understood that occasionally, to find oneself and connect with God, one must retreat from the outside world and spend time in solitude.

If you, too, are feeling adrift or disconnected, do not hesitate to embrace isolation. Although it may beget some discomfort at first, the experience will really have a profound impact on your life. Take some time to detach yourself from the noise of the world around you and discover what you can learn about yourself and your relationship with the Divine.

The young man's journey to self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment through isolation is a timeless tale of human nature's quest for meaning and purpose. The notion of withdrawing from the world to find oneself isn't a new conception, but it's one that continues to reverberate with people across societies and generations.

Indeed, the idea of solitude as a means of spiritual and particular growth dates back to ancient times. In numerous spiritual traditions, solitude is viewed as a necessary part of the trip toward enlightenment. It's said that in the quiet of insulation, one can hear the voice of the Divine and find the answers to life's most profound questions.

In modern times, the value of solitude has frequently been overlooked in our fast-paced, hyperactive-connected world. With constant distractions and endless sources of entertainment, it can be grueling to dissociate from the outside world and spend time in solitude. still, as the young man's story illustrates, it's precisely in these moments of solitude that we can find ourselves and reconnect with the Divine.

Moreover, the benefits of solitude extend beyond the spiritual realm. Research has shown that spending time alone can ameliorate internal health, increase creativity, and enhance problem-solving skills. In a world that values constant connection and socialization, it is essential to remember the value of being alone with one's thoughts.

In conclusion, the young man's trip into isolation is a testament to the transformative power of solitude. Although it may be grueling to dissociate from the outside world, the benefits of spending time alone are bottomless. By retreating into solitude, we can more understand ourselves, reconnect with our spirituality, and find the answers to life's most profound questions.


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    SSWritten by Sarim Shakeel

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