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Pray. Work. And Win.

By Butterfly Nation Published 3 years ago 4 min read

Sneak reading into my upcoming book, Balanced In Beauty (2021)

“Yes I've been damaged. Yes I've been broken. But I'm putting myself back together piece by piece. I refuse to be unwhole. My plan is never over. There will be mistakes and obstacles, but we have the power for us to overcome anything. That's what gets me through. Knowing that there is a connection to to my inner self in my life. “ ......

Growing up I was never big on letting people do things for me or anything. I learned that the world works in mysterious ways in our lives and we have to be aware and alert, especially of the world I believe.

Everyone is put in a predicament/s in their life where they have to face something and/or overcome something. I love a challenge. At least that is how I look at my difficult situations, in a positive way. Challenging yourself helps you to recognize your weaknesses and strengths in a way.

I kept feeling like I had to do more. More in life, as far as my career. Fashion is my passion. I always wanted to design clothes. I thought the best thing to do was go to school for it but boy was I wrong. It put me in debt. And to this day, I am still in debt from attending school(life fact).

With technology growing, everything is online now. The internet was the best thing invented for the future. Especially with COVID and the pandemic. Things won't go back the way they were for awhile or maybe not even. That's something to think about.

Most jobs won't even be the same. So I've been rethinking my job positions and where I want to work.

Vocal has given me a platform to start writing and I love it. It helps me keep my mind clear and active. And new thoughts arise. Which helps with my mental health and keeping it healthy.

Also, Vocal as given me the inspiration to write and write. I am not a big talker anyway. I express myself through writing in my poems all the time. Here.. I will be posting about my upcoming business Balanced In Beauty, which was established in 2018. There will be videos and items posted. Soon to be daily when I get more into the hands on part.

Here.. I will be posting poems as well. As I get more acquainted with my vocal readers and peers I will be posting more and more. However, work does CALL.

But in my spare time I will be working on my side soon to be major hustle , God willing.

I’m intrigued to learn more about having my own business which is something I’ve always wanted.

I took it a step in my own direction.

I took a step to pave my own way.

I paved a way to lay.

In my own place.

Now I will have the space to work more on what I would like to see come to fruition.

And that is my fashion business.

Along with my new found side hustle #writing #writers #bloggers #blogging #lifehack #waystohustle

Fashion Business

#fashionart #fashiondesign #fashionsketch #dresses #womenfashion

Fashion Design Sketch of 2021

Dresses are a must for women!!! Lol but like seriously I loveee dresses and skirts and I think women should start wearing them more. Me in particular.

This sketch is a sample of my work. More sketches will be posted.

In order for me to move forward in my career, I have to face my fears of failure and just go for it!

I must say having my son has given me the momentum to move forward with all aspects of my business. He’s my first child so now I know what people mean when they say your child will make you work harder and want more.

I’ve always wanted more but this gave me the confirmation and attitude to face what I need to.

I’m tired of living in a shell

Not being myself

Life feeling like hell

No one to tell

How in the help

What in the spell

Now time to tell.

Most of my poems are freestyle and they connect with life

Sometimes I just write to release and reflect. Learning that it is a good coping skill and can be therapeutic. Also it can help me to stay in the present.

My mind tends to wander and that is how I began to write. I began writing at a young age but never took it serious.

Like I said I thought a 4 year college was the IT plan but I was WRONG. For some people it can be the answer so no I’m not saying don’t go to college. It’s definitely an experience to experience.

Now I’m at the point of keeping my mental, physical, and spiritual in tact. Part of where balance comes from. Beauty pertaining to the life I made and my life. Life is about balance and staying beautified.

Being beautiful and balanced is not easy. It takes levels to get to a point of feeling both ... the first level is the bottom ( your physical ) then the mind ( your mental ) last can you guess ???


About the Creator

Butterfly Nation

Here you may get a love poem, a sad story, business content, life development stories, and self-care tips. READ YOUR POISON!

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