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Should Individuals Have the Right to Complain?​

What's the point?

By Jia BentleyPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Why is it that, nowadays, in society, we feel like we are not allowed to complain? Not just complain but, more specifically, criticize oneself without getting judged?

You've heard of the famous, "the grass is always greener on the other side," am I wrong? This states that everyone has something they would change about themselves. Furthermore, nobody will ever be completely satisfied with what they have.

People are complex creatures when it comes to emotions, however, simplistic when it comes to primal instincts. No, I'm not talking about sex or murder. It's subsistence. I'm referring to the fact that, deep down, we are all greedy and only really think about ourselves. It's something that we've built around, and everything else is just added accessories. As a result of this, if we took away those additions, it would probably be enough to sustain ourselves in order to survive. I mean, that's what it all comes down to: survival.

Consider the fact that we will never truly like every part of ourselves because of the fact that everyone has their own personalized insecurities. Due to this, naturally people will deliberately find a way to compare themselves with people who have qualities (or things) that they consider to be their version of "beautiful."

This brings up the question, "Should we not have the right to complain?" Everyone is allowed to voice their own opinions. Therefore, why does this seem to be looked down upon when you criticize yourself? Well, that's simple. It's social media. It's the 21st-century, the time of influential nonsense that's being suppressed on us. It's achieving this so subtly, and subconsciously nonetheless, that we don't realize how much of an effect it has on us.

Society tells us that if we complain, we're being ungrateful or we're just looking for attention: "asking for compliments" is what I like to call it. And that's true. We automatically assume that. Subsequently, this turns into a complaining match, where each party says what they hate about themselves. However, it seems to be more of a competition. Deep down, I feel like people like to have it worse because it gives them a reason to complain. It's self-manipulation.

I strongly dislike the fact that, since everyone has their own definition of beauty, an individual might resent them for complaining because they think nothing's wrong with them since they have what society considers perfect.

For example, a woman's ideal body shape might be to be tall, slim, have a thigh gap, flat stomach, big butt, big boobs etc. You get the idea. However, another woman has thick thighs, big curves, small boobs, and no butt. Now imagine this: the other woman's ideal body fits exactly her description. Society seems to try to make it an instinctual thought by showing us photoshopped celebrities on magazines looking thin and tall. As a result, in the back of our minds, we're making more excuses for the person whose ideal body shape matches societies, rather than the woman who wishes she was thicker-looking. Essentially, it's a mind trick. As hard as it is for people to believe, or disregard constantly, we are not all the same. We state that everyone has their own definitions of "beauty" but we always seems to neglect that when it comes to greed.

We'll never truly be happy with what we have. Yet, how is it fair to judge people for having their own brain? For having their own perceptions of things? For having their own specific things they find beautiful and attractive?


About the Creator

Jia Bentley

Sometimes I like to write because it makes me happy.

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