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Shadow Work

What is it?

By Angela LovePublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Today I want to discuss shadow work. You may be wondering to yourself, what is shadow work? Well, allow me to explain. Shadows are usually subconscious and are often related to core beliefs. Core beliefs are negative thoughts we have about ourselves. They are often established in early childhood from the influence of our parents or other significant people in our lives. The most common ones are "I'm not good enough," "I am not worthy," or "I do not deserve..." These beliefs tend to control our lives without us knowing until one day, we become self-aware.

Self-awareness is probably the greatest gift you can give yourself because you can't fix something you are unaware of. Once you can be honest with yourself and admit that you have these negative belief patterns, you can then take steps to heal it. If you are naturally intuitive, looking at yourself may come easily to you, but if you don't consider yourself to be intuitive by nature, you can begin practicing mindfulness to help increase self-awareness.

To learn more about mindfulness, I highly recommend Jon Kabbat-Zinn. He defines mindfulness as "awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally" (Mindful Staff, 2017) This website will help you develop mindfulness within yourself and teach you how to apply it in daily life.

Let's go back to shadow work. This type of healing requires you to face your deepest, darkest issues and resolve them head on. It is not for the weak or the mentally unstable. Facing one's shadows is probably the most difficult thing you will ever do on your journey. It is rarely pretty and can make you feel like you're going crazy at times. When this happens, it is important to seek a support group. There are several twin flame groups on Facebook and finding the one you resonate with the most will be crucial for your healing. Personally, I like the company Loner Wolf. It was started by Luna & Sol (twin flames) and they offer an extensive amount of guidance and workbooks to help make the process easier. I have included a link to their website below.

The most important thing to keep in mind while going through shadow work, is that "This too shall pass." Nothing bad lasts forever, and nothing good lasts forever. It is one of the divine rules of the Universe that everything adheres to the Law of Polarity. The perfect representation of Yin and Yang. So, when things feel like they can't get any worse, keep pushing forward. Tomorrow will be better, and if not, the next day will be. I only ask that you Never give up. Nothing will change if you quit when things get too hard. You must keep pushing forward no matter what, but keep in mind it is OK to take a break. Continuous self-care is vital for this period because it helps keep you going and makes the worst-case scenario bearable. If you feel tired, get some rest. If you need a mental vacation, take a nature walk, watch a movie, or sing a song. Be gentle, but firm, with yourself. And of course, if you ever feel like it is just too much to handle, do not hesitate seeking professional help. I have had to turn to psychiatrists during my journey more than once. It does not mean you are crazy, on the contrary, it means you are strong. Stronger than people who think seeking help is a weakness. If you open your heart, help will always be there for you when you need it. By nature, we are social creatures and, therefore, often need the support of loved ones to cope with life's challenges. If you have someone you can comfortably talk to in your life, who will understand what you are going through, or even if they don't understand but can listen without passing judgement, use them as a resource. Seeking professional help costs money but seeking advice from friends and family is priceless. Stay strong and remember to love yourself, always.


About the Creator

Angela Love

My mission is to bring awareness to humanity, to help you realize that our reality is more than what we see. My gift to the world is love and with that, we can heal the world. I hope you find guidance in my writing, or at least, awareness.

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