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Self Improvement Is Making Your Life Worse

Self-Improvement is ruining your life & making you WORSE.

By Nikita MaltcevPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Some wealthy individuals don't sleep the recommended 8 hours a day. They work incredibly hard, putting in 80-100 hour weeks. This level of dedication is necessary if you want success. Working so much means I don't have time for depression. I am always working towards being the best version of myself. I have no time for negative feelings. I call it my "hustle muscle." However, there is a current trend that suggests self improvement is ruining people's lives. Some people believe that exercising is a waste of time.

The article may seem a bit clickbait. Some parts may be misleading. Self-improvement is only beneficial up to a certain point. It can become toxic if overdone. Balance is necessary, and one should not put too much pressure on themselves. As a man, it is important to hold oneself accountable.

Experiencing trauma and pain is a common part of life, and can shape a person's character.

To separate oneself from others, it may be necessary to take extreme measures. Going above and beyond what others are willing to do is required. At the beginning of the year, the speaker was feeling lost in all aspects of life. They considered quitting YouTube and pursuing a simpler lifestyle. However, they decided to give it one last shot.

If I gave it my all for one year, what would happen? Settling for less than what I know I'm capable of is a fear of mine. So I decided to dive all into self-improvement - physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I want to hit the ground running with a no days off mentality and see what God can do.

Youtubers tend to focus on self-improvement in only one way. Tik Tokers do the same thing. They work out, build muscles, and gain followers. But self-improvement has six pillars, not just physical fitness. It's important to be healthy and physically attractive, but that's not all there is to it. Financial and relational aspects are also important.

Feeding yourself spiritually is important for growing closer to God. Reading self-help books and watching helpful content can also aid personal growth. It's necessary to fully commit and be extreme, not balancing efforts with indulgence. Building oneself up should be a consistent effort.

Taking a vacation or a day off to rest is understandable. However, an unhealthy balance may cause problems. As men, we were created to work and given responsibilities from day one.

He assigned them duties and responsibilities. Some may argue that self improvement is not a solution, but I believe it can be beneficial. However, there is a potential danger in the long run. Few You Tubers mention it and it has never been discussed before. The downside is becoming overly self-absorbed and self-indulgent. Self improvement is important, but it's important to stay aware of the fine line between self improvement and self-obsession.

Shia LaBeouf spoke about self improvement in a recent interview. He believes it is a warrior's journey. Being a warrior involves bringing others back. As a man, this means lending a helping hand and raising boys to be better men. This is the point of self improvement.

The purpose isn't self improvement, but being useful. Self improvement is just a vehicle to become more useful. Some young men focus on themselves and neglect others. As a man, it's important to consider why we improve ourselves. It's to lend a hand to the next man, pass down wisdom and knowledge, and connect with others. It's cool to have muscles, a nice jawline, and a successful business, but it's also important to be a positive influence on the next generation.

It's important not to boast about your accomplishments. It's okay if you haven't done something in a while. Don't compare yourself to others. If you are focused on self-improvement, don't flaunt it. It's not cool.

Boasting about achievements can lead to isolation. Improvement is important, but it's not everything. We climb mountains to inspire and help others climb too. Narcissism can have negative consequences, including cockiness and looking down on others. On the other hand, some people don't make progress.

Some people compare themselves to others who are rapidly growing and then becoming depressed. This can be scary. There was a person in the discord a month or two ago who was constantly comparing himself to others. He thought that others were better looking and had better physiques than him. He compared himself in every area of his life.

The kid was not acknowledging his progress and good looks. Despite doing well in life, he believed he was super ugly due to bad genetics. His friends in the discord tried to reassure him, but he didn't believe them.

After weeks of him consistently putting himself down, I decided to message him on Discord. I encouraged him and complimented him, telling him to stop being so hard on himself. I also challenged him to stop focusing on his problems and instead try to be more positive.

The goal is for you: hop on discord and encourage five guys each day. I saw someone do this and they became brighter, more connected, and helped build up other men. Hopefully, this article encourages you and allows me the opportunity of sharing my thoughts.

successself helpinterviewhappinessgoalsadvice

About the Creator

Nikita Maltcev

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