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"Rising from Refugee to Olympian"

The Remarkable Story of Yusra Mardini

By Yurii BermesPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

In the face of adversity and unimaginable challenges, there are individuals whose courage and resilience shine like beacons of hope. Yusra Mardini, a Syrian swimmer, is one such inspiring soul who has defied all odds to transform her life from being a refugee fleeing war to becoming an Olympian representing hope, determination, and the power of human spirit. Her remarkable journey serves as a testament to the indomitable will of those who refuse to be defined by their circumstances and instead, reach for greatness.

Escaping War-Torn Syria

Yusra Mardini was born on March 5, 1998, in Damascus, Syria. At the tender age of 17, she faced an unimaginable choice - stay in her war-torn homeland amidst the Syrian civil war or embark on a treacherous journey to seek safety and a brighter future. With her sister Sarah by her side, Yusra made the courageous decision to leave everything behind and flee the violence that had engulfed her country.

A Perilous Journey Across the Sea

In August 2015, Yusra and Sarah began their perilous journey towards Europe, embarking on a dangerous boat trip across the Aegean Sea. Their rickety boat was overloaded with desperate refugees seeking sanctuary in Europe. When the boat's engine failed, the passengers faced the horrifying prospect of being stranded at sea.

The Will to Survive: A Swim to Safety

As the boat began to sink, Yusra and Sarah faced an agonizing choice. They could either remain on the boat and risk drowning, or they could take matters into their own hands. Despite having no formal training as a swimmer, Yusra decided to jump into the sea, using every ounce of her strength and determination to push the boat towards the shore of the Greek island of Lesbos. Yusra's incredible act of bravery helped save the lives of those on board, including her sister.

Finding Refuge in Germany

After reaching Lesbos, Yusra and Sarah continued their journey, eventually arriving in Germany, where they sought refuge. Although they were safe from the war in Syria, they faced new challenges in adapting to their new life as refugees in a foreign country.

Pursuing Her Passion: Swimming Against All Odds

In Germany, Yusra found solace in swimming. Despite not having access to professional training facilities and resources, her passion for the sport burned brightly. She joined a local swimming club and dedicated herself to honing her skills. Yusra's talent did not go unnoticed, and she was eventually invited to join a training camp for promising young athletes.

A Journey to Rio: The Olympic Dream

Yusra's exceptional swimming abilities earned her a place on the Refugee Olympic Team for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. As a member of the team, she carried the hopes of millions of refugees worldwide, becoming a symbol of resilience, courage, and hope. Yusra's presence at the Olympics was a powerful message that refugees are not defined by their circumstances but by their dreams and aspirations.

Beyond the Pool: An Advocate for Refugees

Yusra's journey as an Olympian did not end in Rio. She has since become a powerful advocate for refugees and an ambassador for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Through her advocacy work, she sheds light on the plight of refugees worldwide and strives to create awareness about their struggles and resilience.

The Power of Inspiration

Yusra Mardini's story continues to inspire people worldwide, transcending borders and cultures. Her journey from being a refugee to an Olympian exemplifies the strength of the human spirit and the potential that lies within us all. Yusra's story serves as a reminder that even amidst the darkest of times, there is hope and an opportunity to rise above adversity.


Yusra's story serves as a powerful reminder that refugees are not defined by their circumstances but by their dreams and aspirations. She has become an advocate for millions of refugees worldwide, using her platform to shed light on their struggles and advocate for their rights. Yusra Mardini's remarkable journey continues to inspire and ignite hope in the hearts of countless individuals, proving that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit knows no bounds. As we celebrate her achievements, may we be inspired to embrace our own dreams and strive for greatness, knowing that with determination and resilience, anything is possible.

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    YBWritten by Yurii Bermes

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