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Premature Ejaculation?

Tips To Stay Hard And Long

By Binay SrivastavaPublished 24 days ago 3 min read

There is nothing unusual about ejaculation within a minute or two. It sometimes happens that you are floating in the sensual pleasures when suddenly you lose control and release your load. The ego gets punctured if it happens every other day. It is, of course, not an unusual occurrence.

In reality, most adult males have experienced early ejaculation in their lives,, but it is far more common among younger men. If you are one of the men who are worried about premature ejaculation during sexual indulgences, there are some steps that you need to take to reduce embarrassment at your poor showing, by taking recourse to natural means to enhance the pleasures of life.

Reasons for early ejaculation

Many causes are thought to be responsible for early ejaculation, which, in effect, is exploding out male material earlier than you would like to be. This failure to stay long may be an outcome of nervousness, which is especially common due to the fear of failure in satisfying your mating partner.

First reason may be tension in the mind or a lack of self-confidence. Another prominent reason may include the inability to control one's holding power.

This article tells you “Stop worrying and start living”. Well, hardness and duration can be improved with practice, as well as other conditions around the poor fellow located in the middle of the male body.

Fear, stress, tension, and depression are some of the causes believed to play a big role in releasing untimely ejaculation. When it comes to younger males, this is one of the most often referred to explanations.

By the time they have mastered the ability to control their ejaculatory muscles; they have also learned how to stay in bed for extended periods of time, leading to delighting their partner more and avoiding frustrations.

To recap, quick ejaculation can be caused by a variety of physical and mental conditions, but it is possible to overcome this sense of guilt condition. The following tips and suggestions may prove beneficial if you happen to be one of the many men who experience disastrous ejaculation problems.

Solution for early ejaculation problems

Because this ejaculatory weakness is caused mainly by a combination of physical and mental faculties, the solutions must also involve taking both mental and physical elements. Kapal Bhati (a set of breathing exercises, described below) has been found helpful if you believe tension, fear, stress, or depression are causing you to shoot out your precious white stuff earlier than the time you want to. The exercises will help you become calm and relaxed.

It is also helpful to start and practice relaxation techniques of doing things in order to calm your nerves and get rid of your fear and stress. What's more, you may find that you must work on some minor mental workouts to help you gain confidence in yourself.

If your fear and stress are very hard-to-change, you may want to think about a more effective and well-known therapy that will help you in reprogramming your mind and get rid of the many factors that are causing you to feel worried in the first place.

When it comes to getting rid of fear and stress, go for Anulom Vilom (Breathing through one nostril while keeping the other nostril pressed with a thump). Repeat with another nostril. Do 30 cycles the first day and keep adding 5 cycles each succeeding day. Within 15-20 days your confidence will get a big boost.

You should do another exercise for better control. With practice, it will allow you to prolong the duration of pleasing sensation for both of you; stop when you are ready to shout out and continue till the moment you want to discharge the fluid. This exercise will ultimately help you to regain improved control over your ejaculation.

There is yet another powerful exercise known as Kegel exercises. It involves squeezing and releasing the penile shaft in quick succession. The process aids in the strengthening of your hip-related muscles, allowing you to prevent early discharge and so to have greater control over your ejaculation.

There are also more methods that can allow you to remain active in bed for a longer period of time. These methods definitely help your partner in getting used to something unexpected, something new, something novel so that they don't get offended or react strongly the first time it is used.

Condoms and creams are examples of such novelties; when it comes to these types of solutions, you should always check the side effects of the products first to make sure that they will not cause any loss of sensation, skin friction, or other physical and mental blocks that impact coital pleasures now or in the future.

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