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Powerful Tips for Using Affirmations to Get What You Want

Positive affirmations are a great way to change your thoughts and, as a result, your life

By Raise Life UpPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Positive affirmations are a great way to change your thoughts and, as a result, your life. Affirmations are not only effective but are also fun to use. They give you a sense of control over your life, allowing you to have the confidence you need to achieve your goals. To achieve them is not always easy but it is possible. That's why you need to use affirmations every day. The best type of positive affirmations are the ones that also involve visualization exercises because what better way for your mind to get accustomed to the idea than by experiencing it in reality? Have you ever thought about how successful people visualize their goals before achieving them?

The following are powerful tips for using affirmations to get what you want:

Use Them Anywhere

You can use affirmations while you are doing your tasks, for example when you brush your teeth. Just make sure that these positive statements match what you are actually doing so they will be more effective. For example, if you brush your teeth with the purpose of having healthier teeth and gums, then an affirmation like "I am taking care of my teeth and gums" is perfect.

Use Them Every Day

It is best to use affirmations every day so you can get in the habit of thinking positively. This way, your mind will automatically turn to your affirmations when you need them most.

Start with Short Statements

Affirmations do not have to belong. In fact, starting with short statements is a great way to get used to using them. As you become more comfortable with affirmations, you can then make them longer. Using long affirmations will not make them more or less effective because they will be hard to remember.

Make Them Personal

The best affirmations are personal ones that speak to your needs and desires. This way, you will be more likely to believe them and they will be more effective in helping you achieve your goals.

Keep Them Positive

Affirmations should always be positive because if you are constantly telling yourself that you cannot do something, then you will start to believe it. Affirmations should be empowering statements that help you reach your goals.

Use the Present Tense

Don't be too concerned about "what was" or "what will be".

Affirmations should always be in the present tense because this is the time that you are actually living in. Affirmations that focus on the past or future will only give you a false sense of hope and might not be as effective as affirmations that are about what is happening now.

Make Sure They Are Attainable

Asking for something that is not attainable will only make you feel worse about yourself, making it harder for you to believe in your affirmations. A good way of making sure the goals you set are attainable is by asking yourself if you can successfully accomplish them.

Get Rid of Negative Thoughts

Negative thoughts will prevent your mind from believing in your affirmations so it is important that they are replaced with positive ones every time you think about them. Fill your head with positive thoughts so they will be all you can think about.

Treat Yourself Well

Make sure to treat yourself well, especially if you are having a bad day or you have just experienced something negative. You do not have to wait for the right time to use affirmations because there is no specific time when they will be more effective. Treat yourself well every day and affirm your love for yourself.

Keep a Journal

Writing down the positive things that happen in your life is a good way to reinforce your affirmations. This way, you can start to believe in them completely because you have proof of how their power has changed your life for the better.

Smile Your Way to Success

It is true that you cannot help but smile if you are having a good day and this is because your brain will turn any stimulus into something positive. Use affirmations before anything else so they stay on top of your mind. Smiling even when you do not feel like it will make you start to believe in the affirmation and it will increase your happiness.

Repeat Them Every Morning and Evening

Repeating your affirmations in the morning and evening is a good way to make sure that you remember them. This will also help to set the tone for your day and remind you of what you are working towards.

Visualize Yourself Achieving Your Goals

Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals and it works well with affirmations. Visualize yourself achieving your goals at least once a day to ensure that you have a clear path ahead of you.

Do Not Complain

Complaining is the first step towards having negative thoughts and this will make it harder for you to believe in your affirmations because if you do not think positively, then the affirmations will not be effective. Complaining also attracts negative energy so you will only be attracting more of what you do not want in your life.

Record Them in Your Voice

Recording your affirmations in your own voice will make them more effective because of how personal they are. This way, your brain will think that you are actually saying these things to yourself and it will be easier for you to believe in what you are saying.

Keep Your Thoughts Clean

Negative thoughts will prevent your affirmations from being effective so you need to make sure that you get rid of them whenever they come up. Instead of thinking about what might go wrong in achieving your goal, focus on how great it would feel for you to achieve it and let the negative thoughts pass without dwelling too much on them.

Think About What You Want

Finally, do not limit yourself to the things you want to achieve only in your life. Think about what you want with regards to anything that might happen in your life and this will give you more opportunities for affirmations.

Affirmations are a powerful tool that you can use to improve your life and help you achieve your goals. They do not have to be complicated or need special equipment to work so you should start using them right away if you have not already done so.




About the Creator

Raise Life Up

Raise Life Up is dedicated to helping improve life by written content and developing mobile apps. Visit for more content and apps.



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