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My Peace

By Lisa Oluchi NkataPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Peace of mind is a valuable and sought-after state of being in which one experiences a sense of calm, harmony, and well-being. Despite its appeal, peace of mind can be hard to come by in today's busy and often chaotic world. To obtain peace of mind, you may need to take time to slow down and retrain your mind. With a little dedication and some simple tools, you can begin to bring greater peace and contentment into your everyday life.

First, create some quiet space in your day. This can be as simple as setting aside some time where you can rest and relax, or as complex as carving out a room dedicated solely to meditation or yoga. Whatever form it takes, make sure to allow yourself some uninterrupted and private time to simply sit in silence and allow your mind and body to relax.

Second, focus on your breathing.Cultivating relaxed, mindful breathing practices can be extremely beneficial in easing anxious states and helping one to become more grounded. You can practice anywhere, simply take several long deep breaths, allowing your belly to expand and exhale. When your mind wanders or you are met with stress, bring your awareness back to your breath and stay with it.

Third, practice mindful moments throughout your day. Mindfulness is living fully in the present moment and finding joy and equanimity even in the mundane moments of our lives. Be aware and savor the small wins with deep satisfaction. As you go through your day, try to be mindful of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and physical sensations. Ask yourself, "What am I experiencing in this moment? Is it pleasant or unpleasant?"

Finally, take the time to connect.Nothing brings about peace and contentment quite like meaningful relationships. Reach out to those close to you, taking the time to listen, share, and express genuine care for one another. Make sure, however, to also nurture your relationship with yourself.

Spend time building your self-compassion and self-care practice so that you can begin to cultivate feelings of self-acceptance and love.

Peace of mind is achievable and it starts with understanding that the journey is ongoing. It requires intentional effort and dedication, but the rewards are worth the effort. Know the peace that comes with allowing and surrendering to whatever this moment is.

Mindfulness is one key to peace. Being mindful of one’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions can lead to inner peace and contentment. Rather than getting caught up in anxiety and worry, being mindful allows one to stay in the present moment and focus on what is actually happening. For instance, instead of getting lost in thoughts of what could have been or worrying over the future, mindfulness helps one to see the beauty in the current moment.

Creating and maintaining positive relationships is another important component of peace. Cultivating healthy, supportive relationships with family, friends, and colleagues can bring a sense of calm and well-being. To ensure healthy relationships, building trust and communication is advised. Taking the time to listen to one another, show empathy, and express appreciation can make a huge difference in one’s well-being.

Peace is a source of strength for individuals and societies. At the individual level, peace allows one to feel more focused, calm, and empowered. This can help one to overcome challenging situations, reframe one’s perspective, and deepen one’s understanding of oneself and the world. On a larger scale, peace in a society can create beneficial changes such as reducing violence and creating a greater sense of well-being.

In summary, peace is an invaluable resource that encompasses so much more than just the absence of violence. It requires ongoing effort and active participation in many different aspects of life, such as mindfulness, positive relationships, and healthy lifestyles. Peace has the power to bring strength and joy to individuals, communities, and societies as a whole.

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About the Creator

Lisa Oluchi Nkata

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