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Passing Ships

A small moment of life that had a big impact.

By MalikSaira MaqboolPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Passing Ships
Photo by Lesli Whitecotton on Unsplash

The ocean was calm and the sun was setting, casting a beautiful golden glow across the horizon. The only sound was the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore. It was a peaceful evening, but for one person, it was a moment that would change her life forever.

Her name was Lila, and she was a young girl who lived in a small town on the coast. She had always loved the ocean, and spent most of her free time swimming, exploring tide pools, and watching passing ships from a rocky cliff overlooking the sea.

One day, while Lila was sitting on her favorite cliff, watching the ships pass by, she saw a ship that looked different from all the others. It was a beautiful vessel, with sleek lines and sparkling white sails. Lila felt drawn to it, and as she watched it sail by, she felt a strong urge to do something.

She decided that she wanted to learn how to sail, and to explore the world on her own terms. She wanted to see new places, meet new people, and have adventures. She knew that it wouldn't be easy, but she was determined to make it happen.

Lila started by reading books about sailing and studying maps of the world's oceans. She practiced tying knots and learned how to read the wind and the waves. She saved up her money and bought a small boat that she could use to practice her skills.

For months, Lila spent every spare moment out on the water, practicing her sailing and dreaming of the adventures she would have. She felt more alive than ever before, and she knew that she was on the right path.

But one day, something unexpected happened. Lila was out on her boat, practicing her maneuvers, when she saw a passing ship in the distance. As it drew closer, she realized that it was the same ship that had inspired her to start sailing in the first place.

She watched as it sailed past her, feeling a sense of awe and wonder. She knew that the people on board were probably having amazing adventures, and she felt a pang of sadness that she wasn't there with them.

But then, something incredible happened. As the ship passed by, Lila saw a figure on deck waving at her. She couldn't believe it, but it was true - someone on that passing ship had seen her, and had acknowledged her presence.

It was a small moment, but it had a huge impact on Lila. It gave her the courage to keep going, to keep pursuing her dreams and to keep pushing herself to be the best sailor she could be. It reminded her that even though she was just a small girl in a small boat, she was still a part of something bigger - the vast and beautiful ocean that she loved so much.

And so, Lila continued to sail, to explore, and to dream. She had many adventures, saw many amazing sights, and met many wonderful people along the way. But she never forgot that small moment, that passing ship, and the person who had waved at her.

It was a reminder that even when we feel small and insignificant, we are still a part of something bigger. We are all connected, and we all have the potential to make a difference in the world, no matter how small that difference may seem.

Lila continued to sail for many years, always chasing her dreams and always believing in herself. And even though she never saw that passing ship again, she knew that it had changed her life in a way that she would never forget.

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About the Creator

MalikSaira Maqbool

My writing is inspired by my own life experiences.I'm passionate about exploring the complexities human relationships and I'm always looking for ways to bring out the beauty in everyday.So come along for the ride and join me on my journey!

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