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Outdated Work Habits!

How they Impact Workplace Efficiency and Productivity

By A-Z Digital AnyPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
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The widespread adoption of remote and hybrid work was initially hailed as a revolution, but even after two years, many people are still stuck in outdated habits that hinder collaboration and result in inefficiencies. While tools like Microsoft 365 offer powerful solutions, a significant portion of the workforce continues to rely on outdated practices, causing frustration and reduced productivity.

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The Myth of Meeting Overload:

Contrary to popular belief, the shift to remote work has not led to a widespread "meeting overload" and burnout. A recent report by SWOOP Analytics, which analyzed data from 19 large organizations comprising over 266,000 employees, revealed that only 1% of employees have five or more daily meetings on Microsoft Teams. Less than 17% of individuals have more than two meetings each day, and the average user spends less than an hour in Teams meetings per day.

The Real Problem:

The root of the problem lies not in excessive meetings but in the prevalence of outdated tools and habits. Despite having access to innovative collaboration platforms like Teams, the majority of people still heavily rely on email as their primary mode of collaboration. On average, individuals spend almost two hours a day reading and writing emails. Surprisingly, 76% of people using Teams do not utilize its chat channels, and 71% do not engage in their company's internal social network. Additionally, almost a quarter of Teams users have never sent or received a chat message.

The Importance of Collaboration Habits:

The findings highlight a "silent majority" of employees who engage in minimal digital collaboration, making it challenging for managers to effectively engage them. While a small number of highly active users may experience burnout, the focus should shift towards improving collaboration habits across the broader workforce. To fully harness the benefits of tools like Microsoft 365, teams need to establish common practices and agree upon a subset of features to optimize their usage.

Optimizing Collaboration for Productivity:

Each tool within Microsoft 365, such as Outlook, Teams chat, meetings, and channels, has a distinct role and contributes value. By integrating different modes of communication in appropriate contexts, teams can reduce inefficiencies. For instance, Teams chat is ideal for quick conversations and team bonding, while email may be better suited for formal or external communication. Teams channels facilitate asynchronous collaboration, while regular meetings provide opportunities for alignment and engagement. Determining the optimal use of each tool as a group can significantly enhance productivity.

The Impact of Improved Collaboration Habits:

Optimizing the use of Microsoft 365 tools has the potential to increase workforce productivity by an estimated 4.5%, as projected by SWOOP Analytics. Breaking away from old email habits and embracing new ways of collaborating online is crucial to unlock the full potential of available technology. With the right focus and practices in place, the promise of hybrid work can finally be realized.

Pitfalls to Avoid:

To ensure effective collaboration, organizations should avoid relying solely on email, establish clear rules of engagement for each tool, address the engagement of the "silent majority," encourage continuous learning and sharing of best practices, and emphasize the importance of in-person interactions alongside remote work.

Next Steps to Optimize Digital Engagement:

To drive effective collaboration, leaders must prioritize it strategically and allocate resources accordingly. Steps include analyzing current collaboration patterns, providing practical education and training on collaboration platforms, coaching managers to engage all team members, fostering experimentation and best practice sharing, and restructuring workflows and workspaces to facilitate seamless collaboration.


While the path forward may present challenges, the potential benefits to employee experience and productivity are substantial. By breaking free from outdated habits, thoughtfully embracing new technology, and fostering a culture that values and nurtures collaboration, organizations can thrive in the new era of work. The future of work depends on how we work together, and by putting effort into change, teams can overcome distance barriers, build cohesion, and unlock the full potential of hybrid work.

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About the Creator

A-Z Digital Any

At A-Z Digital, covers various Topics on Healthcare, Financial, Information Technology, Digital Arts, Affiliate Products, Lifestyle, Business, Management etc.

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