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Never Give Up

Always trust.

By BuBzPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Everything in life, I feel, is truly meant to happen. And everything always comes full circle. The things we expected to receive from our dreams is never ever what we get in reality and that there is when You're really tested to see where your heart and mind really stand. The older we get, the more we experience, whether it be good or bad, it is still going to happen and that there is when Your character will be tested as well; and see how strong you really are from those experiences.

I first hand have learned that even though I tried to do all things, without positivity it never got me anywhere, ever. I always felt so down and so dark because I was doing things to fix the problem quick and the more I did it, the more behind I felt.

One day I woke up and I cried; I cried because I was tired of being in that space and I really wanted to be freed from it. I knew I already had had a spiritual awakening; but to fully let go and really let things flow, was more difficult than I thought it would be. I did not want to let go of MY control and let positive vibes guide me through what I needed to go through because I knew the road would never be easy and that I would have to keep fighting to get where I wanted to be.

One day though I decided and I let go and let things flow and everything easy that I lost, was very much worth the inner peace I recieved. People tend to forget the longer you walk beside the Negative…. The more it will drain you and that’s how I felt.

And though walking alongside with positivity not all doors will open easily, the right ones will open for you eventually and everything that is meant to come your way, will eventually become exactly what was intended for you and you only.

We all go through what we go through for a reason. Everyone who enters your life enters it also for a reason. They may bring light or darkness, happiness or tears, success or failure; but it's all to teach you your worth and what you’re really capable of in life. Each and every person who has walked in my life that either stayed or left has taught me a lot about myself and they still teach me everyday in ways they don’t even know of. Although I’ve had more worse than good, I am grateful for all I have learned about not only myself but what I truly want in life.

So on a day you feel like giving up and not give a shit about anything, take a really deep breath and really put whatever your faith is in the one thing you can not see but the one person that will never ever leave your side. As low as you think you may feel, the positivity will give you the strength to keep wanting to push forward no matter what or who enters your life to either better it or to teach you what life really is. But don’t ever give up because the futher in life you go through all the hardships and all the tears and ups and downs, you WILL more than anything be in a better space and be a better you because of it all.

I just hope this helps anyone who may feel like they are losing all positivity remember it’s always all around you but you have to have the courage in letting it guide you there.


About the Creator



Healing Soul

Lover of Reading and laughing

Lover of making people laugh and read ❤️❤️

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