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My Happy Place

Sometimes, the most relaxing place is within your own mind.

By Rina BeanPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

There’s a saying; “whatever you lost time doing as a child is where your true passions lie.” For me, this began with reading, and not so soon after, writing. I vividly remember the first time reading through the Harry Potter series, and feeling as though I’d entered another world. Even when I wasn’t reading, the books and stories were on my mind, and I daydreamed about them constantly.

I was a very lonely child. There were never a lot of kids around that were my age, so I learned very early on how to be entertained by my own imagination. Once I discovered reading, it was like stepping out of my life, and entering somebody else’s. I could befriend the characters in the books, and they were always there when I wanted or needed them.

The day I realized I could write my own stories, my life changed forever. My brother came home with a short story he’d written for class, and I became obsessed. I sat down, and wrote my own tale.

Not that it had much merit. I had very little to draw on, and much of it was recycled from what my brother had written…but, it was fun. While I did not pick up a pen again for almost eight years, when I did, that same passion ignited right away.

There’s something very therapeutic about writing. Though it’s always been hard for me to start, once I do, it often feels like my fingers cannot keep up with the thoughts pouring out of my brain. Coming into high school, it was almost an addiction.

All my free time was spent writing, even if that time should have been allotted to other priorities, such as homework or sleep. I’d come home from school - after writing all day - and continue writing until I passed out from exhaustion. Sometimes, I’d wake up early and keep writing.

I had been writing a book for about two years at this point. However, as I grew, the concept for the novel became less exciting, and I gave it up. Nearing the end of high school, I started another one, which of course, also remains to this day, unfinished. It sometimes amazes me how many hours I spent creating something that never ended up going anywhere. But do I regret it?

Not a chance. Those hours spent writing were some of the happiest of my life. I had no control over my own life, but my stories? I ALWAYS had control over those.

Regrettably, as I’ve gotten older, my responsibilities have obviously grown, and I no longer have the luxury of spare time as I once did as a youngster. I can no longer shirk my duties in favour of spending an entire day writing. However, thanks to Vocal, I’ve actually found myself getting back into it. I’ve been quite sick, unable to work, and writing these challenges has not only been fun, but a welcome, wonderful distraction from the struggles of everyday life. I sit down at my laptop, planning on spending perhaps an hour creating a rough draft, then soon find myself looking up at the clock hours later with a finished, nearly polished piece. While it’s always a shock at how much time I’ve lost, it’s never an unpleasant surprise.

Writing not only serves as an escape, but a creative achievement as well. I think a fair few of us have anxieties of not being industrious enough in our day to day lives. Knowing you can appreciate a piece of art that YOU created, from your own original ideas? For me, it’s a pretty inspiring feeling. I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world…and who knows? Maybe one day I’ll make a career out of it.

Until then; I’ll just have fun.


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