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Money Is Not Everything

What Is The Importance Of Money In Life

By Mohd AltamashPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

It is said that the true value of a thing can be told only by a person who lacks it in his life and what is the value of money, only he knows, who has spent the night awake with a hungry stomach. The value of money can be told only where someone has died in the hospital due to lack of treatment. The value of money can be told only by those who have visited the entire market for one Kg of onion. Ask the value of money to those who have seen their dreams die. But some intellectuals argue that happiness is more important in life than money. And money cannot buy happiness, so money is not everything in life. But I believe that money is almost everything for a poor man. Because that ancient era has passed when people used to live their life by eating tubers and roots in the forests. But now this is not possible as there are no more natural resources. Now they have become public or private property. Money was not prevalent in the olden days, so then there was a trend of grain instead of grain and goods for goods, but nowadays money is the trend of money everywhere. Today our life is very difficult without money.

Although it is also true to some extent that money is not everything, but I think this thing has been said only for the financially rich people. These things have no meaning for the poor. And it should not be because the first need for a hungry is hunger. I have heard, some people say that money cannot buy happiness, but if we go down to the real surface of life, then it comes to know that money can buy every happiness in the world. Think for yourself if you or any member of your family is sick and you do not have money for treatment, then what is the meaning of happiness for you. If you do not have money to meet your family's needs like food, clothing, shelter or other So can you be happy "no". Without money, neither we can be happy nor can we buy happiness for our family. Almost every happiness in our life is related to money, so the biggest need of human being is money. Money is as important in our life as petrol is necessary for a car.

If you do not have enough money, then leave it to your family, you cannot keep your body healthy because your body needs nutritious food to stay healthy. And money for nutritious food. If your body does not get all the nutritious food, then you can get many diseases due to lack of vitamins.

And you will also need money for the treatment of those diseases. If you do not have enough money then you will not be able to meet the needs of your family and wife and children. Lack of money is directly or indirectly the root cause of domestic quarrels and discord in our families. If you do not have enough money, then you will not be able to keep your parents, siblings and wife and children healthy.

If you do not have enough money, then you will not be able to help any needy even if you want. If you do not have money then you will never get the love and respect in the family and society that you deserve. Without money, your every wish will remain incomplete and you will have to make compromises everywhere in life. Friends, I have struggled a lot since my childhood, so whatever I am saying I am saying from my own experience.

You must have heard that line of Bill Gates that "if you are born poor it is not your fault but if you die poor it is your fault". That's why I say once again that give up laziness and avarice and try to get out of the quagmire of poverty. I know it will not be that easy, for this you will have to struggle a lot. Sometimes you have to fight with the world and sometimes with yourself.

And in the end I would just like to tell you that there is no need to accept anything from me. First you think well, understand and if you think my words are right then follow it.





About the Creator

Mohd Altamash

Hello Dear, My name is Mohd Altamash and I am a student of Final and I am a writer of article basically this is my passion So, Please Show your Love And support

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