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Memories of 2020!And How to start 2021 correctly.

Start 2021

By Abu ZadaPublished 3 years ago 13 min read


to start 2021 correctly, and you will understand 10 small things

I realized in a daze that 2020 is about to pass.

This year, sorrow and joy have been mixed. Suffering from gains and losses. I want to summarize, but I have nothing to do in detail. In fact, I always regard New Year's Eve as the traditional year in my heart. After New Year's Eve, I feel that the year has really passed.

In the last two or three months, I want to use summarization and recollection to pick up the bits and pieces of the past years and cherish them in my heart, good or bad. Then set up a few to do lists that I have always wanted to do but failed to make, and grasp the last time, alert myself to cherish the rare youth.

2020 is a special year. Because of the sudden epidemic, too many plans have been disrupted. So the entire first half of the year was spent inefficiently at home. In addition, I was faced with the pressure of postgraduate study adjustment and job hunting after graduation. For four months, I was shrouded in the haze of life. The adjustment went from anticipation to fluke to disappointment, and finally passed by. When I was preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination for most of last year, I had a faint hunch in my heart. Sure enough, I had no fate with graduate students. Maybe this is fate. It is also possible that fate was in my hands early, but I did not grasp the rope. After that is thesis defense and job hunting. The defense of the thesis went well, and it can be considered a fairly complete period for the university. The reason why I was able to write a paper that was praised by the instructor was also due to the foundation of the postgraduate entrance examination last year. I am guilty...After all, I don't study in university... At this point, my college career is completely over with me. The school days are in the past.

The next step is to find a job. It's very difficult to find a job this year, and I think fresh graduates have the experience. I rushed to the end of the school recruitment, signed up for spring recruitment of several institutions, banks, etc., and also participated in the online interview of government labor dispatch. It's just that the final result was not satisfactory. I was always wiped out at the end. For a long time, I fell into self-doubt and felt that the world would not be destroyed. Later, the school urged the employment rate, and the counselor called us every other way while pregnant to make a tripartite agreement. I remember very clearly that the counselor called me again. At that time, because of all kinds of pressure, it was difficult to adjust. Every day I lived like a year, I said directly to her, "Teacher, one third of 2020 has passed, but no day is true Feeling happy.” On the other end of the phone, she was silent after listening, her attitude became much milder in an instant, and she said to me to wait and see, not to worry. Gradually, I realized that I can no longer eat at home and wait to die. There is too much uncertainty, and the consequence of hesitation is nothing. So I started Haitou. By chance, I participated in a video interview with a company in Shanghai and was hired. At that time, with the attitude of coming out to try, and having no other choice, I came to Shanghai alone.

So, this is often the case in life. The more you plan, the easier it is to be disrupted. Time and the world push us to adapt to the present. So it often feels difficult to adapt.

After I was ready to come to Shanghai, I felt a sense of relief, because I felt that I had some goals for where I should go. In the few days I went back to school to take my graduation photos, I was very happy and finally bid farewell to my four-year college career. In the past four years, in general, there were regrets, but even if I were to do it again, I didn't think I could change anything. After that, I went to Shanghai to find a house, move house, buy furniture, and get acquainted with my first formal job in life. A small life in Shanghai began.

Speaking of my first job, my first job was working in a small investment company. When I first entered the world, I didn't know anything, I would be scolded if I didn't do my job well, and I didn't learn anything. In order to smoothly become a full member during the probation period, I only took 22 days to pass the fund practice qualification certificate which was the threshold for the former company to become a member. In retrospect, that period was really the most serious period for me to study this year. To survive and stay. However, my luck was not so good, and I was sexually harassed in the second week of employment. After that, he used his power to intermittently manipulate my spirit, trying to make me compromise. I always thought that the dog-blood plot that was only available on TV happened to me, which gave me a better understanding of this indifferent and prosperous city. The day I resigned was the coolest day since I came to Shanghai.

It has been nearly three months since I came to the new company. The early stage is very busy and it is difficult to adapt to the fast-paced busyness of this company. But slowly I got used to it. Although tired, at least there is no need to calculate how much to eat for each meal every day, and every expenditure is carefully calculated. It can be considered as a solution to food and clothing. The leader is good, and I have learned something with him. I am also exploring my future career development direction. I don’t want to spend my whole life doing nothing, accumulate age in this indifferent metropolis, and eventually end up in a state of failure and return to home in embarrassment. I want to stay. Therefore, it is now necessary to re-plan.

During the period, starting in August, I also had a relationship. Now it took me 50 days to put him down. Everything in the past was calm and calm, and I never want to be who I was.

I am a person who longs for love and is afraid of being loved. I don't want to be a dispensable person to others, I don't want to be a boring person who can be thrown away at any time. But the inferiority complex in my bones has been haunting me; the secularity of my thoughts has been dragging me. I always wonder if I am a cursed person who will never get the happiness I want. Two people can maintain an intimate relationship for a long time, and it must rely on commonality and mutual attraction, rather than blindly giving and self-moving. Always remember this sentence and always alert yourself. Being strict with yourself is responsible for yourself. Never be a kid who is bullied by others.

While you are still young, go and experience everything to your heart's content. Experience everything that has not been tried, and experience many different lives. Keeping your mind alive and independent forever is the most incisive pursuit in life.

There are only less than 20 days left until the passing of 2020. This year, it seems a lot of confusion, a lot of fear, and a lot of puzzles. Let it follow the wind in the last month. I should have the most free life and the most vivid experience. I should be me, I should be the most special.

In the new year, many people think like this:

How can I change myself?

So I set up a bunch of flags, and then I am ready to pour over again...

In fact, the change is very simple.

a new Year,

Make a "list of what life can be" for yourself .

Work hard to do these 10 small things, I believe you can complete the flag and become a better version of yourself!

to start 2021 correctly, and you will understand 10 small things


Eat breakfast every day

The old saying goes, "The early bird gets the worm." Of course, let’s not eat insects, and having a good breakfast will not only give you enough physical energy, but also improve your morning spirit and work efficiency. Besides breakfast is not anything strenuous things , certainly more good than harm ah ~

Please remember one sentence: breakfast must be eaten! Of course, not because it is healthy or unhealthy, but because this is the cheapest meal of your day!


Drink plenty of water

Everyone needs to drink water, in the morning, at noon, and in the evening; if you are thirsty, you must drink water, but you can drink water if you are not thirsty, drink hot water if it is cold, or cold water if it is hot...

“On Drinking Water"

Two thirds of the human body is made up of water. Drinking plenty of water can not only maintain water in the body, but also promote metabolism. The most important thing is to understand- tiredness is the highest sign of dehydration! ! !

Some people may ask if drinking too much water will cause water poisoning? ! In most cases, it will not. Unless you sweat and lose a lot of water during vigorous exercise, your body loses a lot of salt. At this time, drinking a lot of water in a short period of time will cause water intoxication. Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible!


Guarantee 8 hours of sleep a day

1/3 of our lives are spent sleeping.

If a person can live to 78 years old, then 26 of those years are spent sleeping.

Due to the individual differences of each person, there is no uniform definition of what time to sleep to stay up late. The so-called staying up late refers to irregular sleep time and disordered sleep cycle. If you have been accustomed to falling asleep at 10 o'clock every night, and occasionally falling asleep after 12 o'clock in the evening, then this can be regarded as you staying up late. Of course, no matter what time you go to bed, as long as you maintain a fixed sleep cycle and a relatively stable sleep duration, it is not called staying up!

Remember ↓↓

The moon does not sleep, you do not sleep, you are a bald baby!

The moon sleeps and you don't sleep, the hospital waits for you to pay the bill!


Sit at least 10 minutes a day

It feels too difficult to see the title "Sitting"!

Nowadays, people have impetuous mentality. It is really difficult to wait for ten minutes without a mobile phone, no TV, or WIFI. This way we are getting farther and farther away from health.

So we have to spare a little time every day, because --- will produce wisdom . In the time that settles down, have a good conversation with yourself, after all, the harmony of the outside comes from the inside~


Spend 10-30 minutes of exercise every day

Students & Party office workers and we got along the longest stool, pain is the day in addition to their heads Ding Ding pain pain pain Ding !

You might say that you don't have time to exercise, but you can squeeze out that dozen or twenty minutes to exercise 24 hours a day. During this exercise time, you can walk, run, play ball, aerobics...

In short, you have to believe that regular exercise habits will make us more concentrated, we will no longer delay doing things, and we do not even need to rely on coffee, milk and tea to "continue our lives"~


Learn to control your emotions

At no time should one be a slave to one's own emotions. If people are led by emotions, they will only mess things up.

Of course not for you to suppress their emotions, we need to accept emotions , sad anger to accept all bad, but the negative sentiment to give yourself time to digest, finished digesting mood would pass.

Good emotions are also a habit, bad emotions are a habit; bad habits can be corrected, and good habits can be slowly cultivated~ Regardless of the mood, clean it up and make a debut (with star effects)


Learn to refuse

In the face of other people's requests, you must do what you can and agree with conditions; if you don't have any conditions, you might as well simply refuse, or you will lose face easily, and if you lose it, you won't be able to pick it up, and the loss will be even greater.

Of course if you are good at something, never do it for free! Because you don’t know how to refuse to pay is a kind of "low-value pay . " You think that spending all your time and energy can touch the world, but you can only touch yourself.


People who stay away from negative emotions

On a good day, you were in a good mood. Suddenly someone came: he was always nervous, depressed, and resentful. Such people will not necessarily negative energy ruin your life (unless you allow), but ta may from time to time to shake your windows or bursts of about a dozen voice messages ......

If the other party's negative energy has affected your physical and mental health, don't delay! Although it is certainly not easy at the beginning, it is better than getting worse.


Learn to leave

Books, sundries, clothing, shoes and bags. When preparing to throw away these things, everyone always thinks of a bunch of reasons and then tries to keep them. Over time many things getting blocked, properly properly chaos "room" lady .

For another example, we have so many apps installed on our mobile phones. Ask yourself how many apps do you use frequently? Only if we learn to leave, our lives will be open. You will better understand what is important to you and what is redundant.

One line of small print: Breaking away is a seemingly simple thing, but in fact it is not simple. The simplicity is simple and easy to understand. People who learn may learn it in five minutes~ but the difficulty is that it is difficult to practice. Many people understand what it is, but it is difficult to do it!


Increase monthly reading

Why should there be regular reading?

I just don’t want to one day when you see the magnificent mountains and rivers, you are talking about simple words like "wow", "beautiful", and "too shocking", while others say "fallen clouds and lonely birds flying together," The autumn water is long and the sky is the same . "

When someone broke up in love, what others said was "If life is just like the first time I saw it, what's the matter with the autumn wind painting a fan ". And you can only cry out "blue thin shiitake mushrooms!"

Persist in reading, you can become a better self every day. I am not going to be at a certain age, I feel sorry: I read too few books when I was young!

These are the 10 small things we can do in life~

, "If you don't accumulate steps, you can't reach a thousand miles, if you don't accumulate small currents, you can't make a river." Compared with the result after the change, the most important thing is to make up your mind to "start to change" !

Of course, long-term persistence may be a little difficult, so let's start with 7 days first. Welcome everyone to leave messages to encourage each other in the comment area~

Finally, in the short life, we have to think about one thing: we are not alive for anyone other than us. Do not deliberately cater to the eyes and ideas of others, only in this way can you live your true self. I hope everyone can find their own unique way of life in the messy life.


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