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Meet DBL

Meet DBL

By Sarah BlessingPublished about a year ago 3 min read

What’s your artist name, and where are you from?

My artist name is DBL, and I’m from Shepherdstown, West Virginia. I’ve called a few different places my home, but I’m a West Virginian through and through.

Why do you love music?

Music has truly saved my life in many ways, from getting me through hard times to being there when I was alone and celebrating life’s best moments. Music has been there for me when I haven’t been able to describe my feelings, and has been there when I can’t explain how I feel. The goosebumps you get when a song articulates your feelings is something I can’t describe

On top of that, I love how it brings people together, whether it’s through favorite songs or live events. There is nothing like discovering that you share a favorite song with someone, or belting out the tunes that define you with a group of strangers; in that moment, you all are united in that love of song.

What makes you different as a music artist?

What makes me different from other artists is that I’m willing to experiment with my sound and my flow. I’m always picking out beats that catch my ear on first listen, and sometimes my taste is pretty eclectic. I especially like to get other artists on beats that they normally wouldn’t pick to bring out different aspects of their art.

I aim to combine being lyrical with being a good songwriter; to me, there’s a balance you have to hit between your song being technically sound and hitting the listener on an emotional level. It’s kind of like playing guitar- you can shred up and down the neck, or you can play with emotion, but the best guitarists can combine the two.

On top of that, I always look to challenge myself with different concepts in my songs, and love the growth that comes with it. There have been times I’ve cried in the studio, yelled, or just struggled to get through the session. A huge shout-out goes to my producer and engineer Will Lopez of Dymaxion Recording Studios because he has seen me through all of these states and then some.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself touring with my music and collaborating with more legendary musicians. I don’t just mean other rappers, but also singers, drummers, guitarists and more. I also see myself mentoring other artists full-time, serving as a coach for the rising star. In my opinion, passing on what I’ve learned is one of the greater joys of this thing called music.

What do you want to accomplish in life?

I want to be happy. I want to be at peace and sound of mind. I know music, in all aspects of its creation, is a big part of achieving those things for myself, and I hope to also bring that happiness and peace to the listener through their relationship to my music.

What do you bring to the music world?

I provide an honest perspective and a mix of old-school and new-school ideas, whether it's wordplay, flow or even my ad-libs. On top of that, I try to mix East Coast and Southern flavors; growing up on the Mason-Dixon Line, you have that clashing of those two cultures.

What do you want to be remembered for?

Not for what I did or said but for how I made people feel as an artist when they heard my music. At the end of the day, I want the listener to feel and experience my story with me.


About the Creator

Sarah Blessing

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