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MEDITATION SCRIPT: 15 Minute Guided Meditation for Relaxation and SLEEP

Guided Visualization - Release Stress, Relax, and Fall Asleep Fast

By Lisa ChapmanPublished 11 months ago 10 min read

Struggling to sleep? The meditation script below is for 15 Minute Guided Meditation Relaxation. It will shift your energy. You can drift off and enjoy a good night's sleep through a deeply calming visualization.

Find this guided meditation script recorded on video: YouTube @meditationangel9999 and audio:

All the Guides’ soothing voices help you release stress and connect with the peace that is always deep within you.

All the Guides at Meditation Angel wish to assist you in achieving your deepest desires, as well as more peace, vibrancy and love in your life today.


What Is Relaxation Meditation?

Relaxation meditation is like a spa day for your mind. It's a type of meditation where you intentionally focus on calming your thoughts and soothing your body. The goal is to release stress, tension, and worries, and just let yourself unwind like a sleepy cat in the sun.

When you do relaxation meditation, you might use techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualization. Deep breathing helps slow down your heart rate and calms your nervous system. Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups, which can help release physical tension.

Visualization is super cool too! You close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful place – like a tropical beach or a lush forest. Picture the sights, sounds, and smells of that place to make it feel real.

Relaxation meditation is perfect for those hectic days when you need a mental vacation. It's not about ignoring problems but taking a moment to recharge your batteries and get centered. So, next time you feel stressed, give relaxation meditation a go and let the calmness wash over you like a warm hug!

How To Get Rid Of Anxiety With Meditation?

Getting rid of anxiety with meditation is like a Jedi mind trick – it's a powerful way to bring balance to your thoughts and emotions. When anxiety is running wild like a pack of wild horses, meditation helps you tame them and find your calm center.

Here are some steps to use meditation to kick anxiety to the curb:

1. Find a Quiet Space: Pick a spot where you can sit or lie down comfortably without distractions.

2. Focus on Breathing: Take slow, deep breaths and feel the air filling your belly. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

3. Body Scan: Close your eyes and do a mental scan from head to toe. Notice any tension or tightness, and consciously release it with each exhale.

4. Let Thoughts Flow: Allow thoughts to come and go without getting caught up in them. Imagine them floating by like clouds in the sky.

5. Practice Mindfulness: Bring your attention to the present moment, whether it's the sound of birds outside or the feeling of your feet on the ground.

6. Use Guided Meditation: If you're new to meditation, try guided meditation apps or videos that gently lead you through the process.

Meditation won't make anxiety disappear forever, but it helps you build resilience and cope better with those anxious moments. Make it a habit, and you'll have a trusty tool in your mental toolkit to face whatever life throws your way!

What Is The Purpose Of 15 Minutes Of Meditation?

Fifteen minutes of meditation can be a game-changer for your well-being! It might not sound like a lot, but dedicating just 15 minutes to meditate daily can bring significant benefits to your mind and body.

First off, 15 minutes is an easily achievable goal, especially when you're starting with meditation. It's not too long, so it's easier to fit into your busy schedule. And once you get the hang of it, you might find yourself naturally extending the time because you enjoy the peacefulness it brings.

The purpose of these 15 minutes is to give your mind a break from the constant chatter and demands of daily life. It's like hitting the reset button. Meditation helps you become more mindful and aware of the present moment, which can reduce stress and improve your focus and concentration.

In those 15 minutes, you're also nurturing your mental and emotional well-being. It's like self-care for your mind. Meditation can improve your mood, boost your creativity, and increase your resilience to handle life's ups and downs.

Consistency is the key to reaping the full benefits of meditation. So, make those 15 minutes a daily habit, and you'll discover a calmer, more centered you in no time!

How Do I Start Meditating Daily?

Starting a daily meditation practice is like planting a little seed that grows into a peaceful tree! Here are some steps to get you started:

1. Set a Time: Pick a time that works best for you. It could be in the morning, during lunch, or before bedtime. Consistency is important, so try to meditate at the same time every day.

2. Create a Space: Find a cozy spot where you won't be interrupted. Make it feel special – add a comfy cushion or light a candle if you like.

3. Start Short: Begin with just a few minutes, like 5 to 10 minutes. As you get more comfortable, you can gradually increase the time.

4. Choose a Technique: There are various meditation techniques to try, like focused breathing, body scans, or loving-kindness meditation. Experiment and see what resonates with you.

5. Be Patient: Don't worry if your mind wanders during meditation – that happens to everyone! Gently bring your focus back to your breath or chosen meditation method.

6. Use Guided Meditation: If you're unsure where to start, try guided meditation apps or videos. They're like having a friendly guide to help you through the practice.

7. Be Kind to Yourself: Meditation is not about being perfect. Some days will be easier than others, and that's okay. Just show up and give yourself this time to recharge.

Remember, the most important thing is to be consistent. Like any skill, meditation improves with practice. So, make it a daily habit, and you'll soon discover the many beautiful benefits it brings to your life!

MEDITATION SCRIPT: 15 Minute Guided Meditation Relaxation and Visualization

This guided meditation will help you release all stress and tension.

And relax your body and mind into a dreamy sense of ease,

as you sink into a restful sleep.

Begin by lying down in a comfortable position.

Feel your whole body resting on the surface beneath you.

Close your eyes gently.

Soften your jaw,

and all the muscles in your face.

Allow that softness to spread. To your neck,

and your shoulders.

Now flex and relax your hands.

Flex and relax your ankles and feet.

And notice how much more comfortable you feel,

as your entire body is supported so completely.

You have nothing else to do.

Nothing else to think about.

This time is yours,

to rest and rejuvenate.

Allow yourself to enjoy this very important self-care.

You deserve full rest

and relaxation.

So claim it now.

It is yours.

Fully embrace it.

Place your attention on your breath.

Naturally flowing in.

And naturally flowing out.

For a few breaths, just follow the effortless pattern of breathing in, and breathing out.

This miraculous flow of air,

in and out,

is a gift to you in every moment.

It replenishes your energy,

in every cell of your body.

Just take a moment now to feel your lungs expand

as you breathe in,

and fall as you breathe out.

Connect with a sense of appreciation

for this divine gift of life.

So smooth

and supportive.

Allow the natural flow of your breath to anchor you in this moment.

If you notice any stray thoughts wander through your mind,

that’s also natural.

Just acknowledge them with patience

and release them.

They don’t serve you now.

Gently come back to focus on your breath.

Knowing that you are comfortable,


and safe in this space,

allow your mind to drift to a beautiful, lush field.

Under a clear sky.

The air is warm and feels so soft on your skin.

You notice the gentle fragrance of nature.

Wildflowers sway in the light breeze.

The scent of Spring surrounds you.

And you feel completely peaceful

in this comforting and supportive spot

that is all your own.

The field is illuminated by the soft yellow and orange glow of the setting sun.

Take a few breaths here, as you allow this place to relax and soothe you even more.

In this field, a nearby tree calls out to you.

You notice that this tree is old,


and seems wise.

It beckons you to rest in the shelter of its strong limbs

and lush shade.

Now visualize yourself moving through the field,

towards this magnificent tree.

When you reach it, you only wish to lie down

and rest beneath it.

You feel its energy ground you,

and protect you.

Imagine that you also feel the presence of a very light translucent energy surrounding you

and the tree.

Safe and supportive.

You enjoy this feeling very much.

As you rest beneath this wise old tree,

you feel the warm glow of the setting sun on your skin.

On your face.

The sun’s gentle rays soak into your skin.

And you relax deeper.

Breathe this light into your whole body.

And release even more,

as you continue to breathe naturally.

As you continue to feel comforted.

Notice that this soothing sunlight warms your forehead

and your cheeks.

So peaceful.

Feel all your muscles releasing

and relaxing.

Relaxing more.

You want only to linger here,

to bask in this moment,

allowing only these sensations to cradle you

right here.

Right now.

Notice the warm glow of sunlight flow down your body,

massaging your hips

and legs.

Your body seems to sink further into the surface beneath you.

So comfortable

and fully supported.

Your entire body feels heavy,

and you welcome that.

You allow it to release completely.

With each breath, you release and relax deeper.

Luxurious relaxation.

Now place your attention on your heart.

You feel the beautiful orange warmth of the sun

soaking into your heart.

Soothing your spirit.

Breathe this comforting orange light into your heart.

It expands with each breath.

Your heart is warmed.

You feel amazing.

Now notice that your heart

and your whole body

is gently nourished by the rays of this setting sun.

You treasure these moments,

as you breathe this warm light into your entire body.

As it fills you with divine energy.

As it transforms your energy

and invites you to drift off to sleep.

If anything within your body or mind still needs to be relaxed,

you now release it naturally

as you exhale.

Simply let go of it.

Allow it to float away.

This is your time

and your space

for deep comfort

and rest.

It is yours

whenever you wish.

Imagine now that the sun is moving further down the horizon.

The soft air remains warm

and comfortable.

The sky dims

and the colors of the sunset are a joy to behold.

You realize that you are one with the magnificence of this experience.

Your heart is flooded with love.

You feel deeply fulfilled.

So relaxed.

Drifting in this beauty.

Now the sun disappears.

The sky above the field begins to reveal its stars.

This sight captivates you,

as your mind and spirit float into deep rest.

You invite your body to drift toward sleep.

Enjoy the beauty around you.

Transition with the knowledge that when you are ready,

you may release the vision of this tranquil space

under the tree,

and reconnect with the surface beneath you.

Just as comfortable

and peaceful.

Just as relaxed

and restful.

Ready to slide into rejuvenating slumber.

As you sink into sleep,

know that you can always call upon the soft orange glow of the evening sun

to soothe and relax you.

And claim this soothing comfort

with each breath.

Breathe naturally

as you sink further into sleep.

Into this peaceful,

restful sleep

that is yours.

Any time.

Sweet Dreams.

(END of Meditation Script - 15 Minute Guided Meditation Relaxation SLEEP)

ABOUT Meditation Angel & Meditation Scripts

Any time you desire an energy shift, our Meditation Angel Guides will lead you into a more peaceful and restorative state. Meditation Angel is dedicated to delivering the most compassionate guided meditation scripts – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Choose from short 3 minute meditations, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, and up to 1 hour guided meditations, some with affirmations or visualizations. Each meditation script has been recorded by several different Guides. Discover the voice which resonates with you.

Image: no attribution required.

©MeditationAngel and @meditationangel9999 All Rights Reserved.


About the Creator

Lisa Chapman

Writing for: BUSINESS: I've loved Content Marketing / SEO since 2005. Been 'writing to rank' ever since. PLEASURE: I studied under hit songwriters in Nashville, Lyrics only w/ a musician cowriter. Fun fun fun! Word challenges? I'm in.

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    Lisa ChapmanWritten by Lisa Chapman

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