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Manifesting Miracles from Intention

Getting on the dream boat

By Sunny RayPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
Getting on the dream boat

Eight years ago, I had daydreamed about sailing in the Caribbean. I was inspired by the Pirates of the Caribbean movies and a number of times I said “I would like to do that one day.”

Today I am here, in the Caribbean, sailing on this Yacht. I’m not just writing about it because I feel like Andy Samberg from The Lonely Island when he sings the song “I’m On A Boat,” I’m writing because I’m inspired by the miracle of how ME, a girl from New Zealand, ended up on an all paid for boat trip in the Caribbean, without any practical plans or actions to create it. How did this happen?

I dared to Dream.

Manifestation is one of my favorite words. It is the skill of Miracles. It is how we can connect with what seems out of our reach by setting intentions, taking leaps of faith and letting miracles happen.

There are two ways to live: in a state of control or in a state of surrender. Controlling your life takes a constant work and can become a battle or a limit to the spontaneous magic of life. Surrendering to your life on the other hand, is viewing your life like a blossoming flower and letting the magic of unfolding happen to you. It is possible to find a balance, knowing when to take steps and when to open your sails.

Life, in a scientific sense, we know, is made of atoms, microscopic elements that vibrate at different speeds creating different densities and substances. In a metaphysical sense, these atoms are orchestrated by an intelligence greater than our perception, a collective consciousness. Everything is connected and made of the same core substance. We are both creators of, and created by, our environment. We live symbiotically. Matter and intelligence, internal and external, macro and micro.

The law of attraction works like this. We create intentions, visualisations and feelings and say, “Yes please," to them. They echo out to life all around and begin to bring back what matches the intentions. But, we have to start at Zero. When we are okay with nothing, we create a starting point where there is nothing to loose. We first cultivate our happiness from a complete acceptance of how things are at any moment. From there, our only focus is positive. If we want something a lot, fears and doubts can generate enough resistance that keeps us from ever having them. Doubt unconsciously sets our intentions towards the lack of what we want, and we effectively shoot ourselves in the foot and attract back to us more lack. We have to reach zero and see everything above that as a miracle. See everything as possible, and throw a bunch of dreams to the stars (into the collective consciousness), then cultivate a real sense of curiosity about what comes back. Like this, many of my dreams have come true by a series of syncretic event like this one. I have traveled the world, achieved amazing things, been incredibly free and independent and learned how to meet life in its highest potential. I innocently threw an idea to the stars with zero resistance and the intelligence of life wove it into my destiny. After witnessing miracle after miracle happen in my life, the more I trust, the more I surrender. The more gratitude becomes my foundational attitude and the more I enjoy just being alive, in any place or context.

So my advice to everyone is dream big and get curious!

Getting on the dream boat requires willingness put it all out on the line and be curious about what will evolve. Take an optimistic view, some things work out better than imagined, so be non-attached to what doesn't. Keep stepping into the potential of the new moment, riding each wave of life with wonderment and open mindedness, surrendering the how and trusting that each occurrence is a step leading towards our intentions. Take every moment like a raw resource to use to make golden moments. Life becomes rich and adventurous, and nothing is impossible.

We become allies with life’s intelligence in a way that allows us to have everything we could ever want in life. Living in this way has been my life work, and it’s truly taken me to some fantastic places, to the point that now I just say, “Okay life, your imagination is far greater than mine, I've given you all my ideas, bring me all the things or experiences you know I will like.”

And somehow, here I am on a boat! Living the real life miracle of my dream.

Sunny Ray


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