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Loose Belly Fat in Seven Days Challenge: A Complete Workout Guide

Why Belly Fat is Difficult to Lose

By Faraz Basharat Published 11 months ago 6 min read


• Belly fat: Easy to gain, hard to lose.

• Common struggle despite exercise and diet.

• Introduce effective yet underutilized exercise for losing belly fat.

Why Belly Fat is Difficult to Lose

• Genetics play a role in fat storage.

• Abdominal fat loss is prioritized last.

• Calorie deficit is essential for fat loss.

• Burning more calories than consumed leads to overall fat loss.

The Role of Exercise in Fat Loss

• Exercise complements diet for faster results.

• Traditional cardio exercises for burning calories.

• Running, rowing, cycling, and HIIT workouts.

• Calorie burn comparison of different exercises.

Limitations of Traditional Cardio

• Dropout rates and difficulty in sticking to intense cardio.

• Willpower, soreness, and energy impact.

• Difficulty in sustaining long-term results.

• Need for an exercise that is maintainable for life.

The Power of Walking

• Research on different types of cardio for fat loss.

• Walking proves to be an effective form of cardio.

• Intensity vs. duration in fat loss.

• Consistency and adherence over time.

The Benefits of Walking for Fat Loss

• Walking burns calories steadily.

• Calorie burn comparison with running.

• Walking's impact on fat loss over time.

• Research studies supporting walking for fat loss.

Incorporating Walking into Your Routine

• Assessing your current step count.

• Setting realistic step count goals.

• Strategies to increase daily steps.

• Integrating walking into daily activities.

The Role of Diet in Fat Loss

• Calorie deficit through diet.

• Importance of nutrition in fat loss.

• Combining diet and walking for optimal results.

• Creating a sustainable lifestyle change.


• Recap of the effectiveness of walking for belly fat loss.

• Emphasis on consistency and adherence.

• Encouragement to incorporate walking into daily routine.


1. How long should I walk to see results?

2. Can I walk indoors on a treadmill?

3. Can I combine walking with other exercises?

4. Is walking alone enough to lose belly fat?

5. Can I walk even if I have physical limitations?

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Belly fat is a common problem faced by many individuals. Despite their best efforts with exercise and diet, losing belly fat can be incredibly challenging. It often seems like no matter what exercises are tried or how well one eats, the belly fat just won't budge. Unfortunately, there is currently no proven method to spot-reduce fat from the belly, except for surgery. However, there is an exercise that is highly underutilized yet remarkably effective when it comes to losing belly fat. In this article, we will discuss what that exercise is and how you can start incorporating it into your routine right away.

Why Belly Fat is Difficult to Lose

The difficulty in losing belly fat can be attributed to various factors, one of which is genetics. Research conducted by Dr. Bouchard in 1997 revealed that certain areas of the body are easier to lose fat from than others, and this is largely determined by genetics. While some individuals may be genetically predisposed to store less fat around their abdomen, most people's genetics prioritize abdominal fat loss last. This genetic predisposition may seem like a hindrance if you're aiming for a slim and lean-looking abdomen. However, there is a solution.

Creating a calorie deficit by burning more calories than you consume is crucial for fat loss. This principle applies to losing fat from all areas of the body, including the belly. Even if your genetics make it harder for you to lose belly fat, maintaining.

Loose Belly Fat in Seven Days Challenge: A Complete Workout Guide


Welcome to the "Loose Belly Fat in Seven Days Challenge" by CureFit! If you're looking to shed stubborn belly fat and achieve a toned midsection, you've come to the right place. In this workout guide, I, Tiffany, will be your guide and take you through eight effective movements that are specially handpicked to target that belly fat. Are you ready to embark on this seven-day challenge? Let's get started!

Table of Contents

1. Movement 1: Jumping Jacks

2. Movement 2: Mountain Climbers

3. Movement 3: Elbow Plank

4. Movement 4: Flutter Kicks

5. Movement 5: High Knees

6. Movement 6: Russian Twist

7. Movement 7: Leg Tucks

8. Movement 8: Bicycle Crunches

9. Conclusion

10. FAQs

• FAQ 1: Can I do this challenge if I'm a beginner?

• FAQ 2: How many times a day should I perform these exercises?

• FAQ 3: Do I need any equipment for this challenge?

• FAQ 4: Can I do these exercises if I have a pre-existing medical condition?

• FAQ 5: How soon will I see results from this challenge?

Movement 1: Jumping Jacks

To kick off the challenge, we'll start with the classic Jumping Jacks. This full-body conditioning exercise will get your heart rate up and engage multiple muscle groups.


1. Stand with your feet together and arms by your sides.

2. Jump up, spreading your legs wider than shoulder-width apart.

3. Simultaneously, raise your arms above your head.

4. Jump back to the starting position.

5. Repeat this movement for 45 seconds.

Stay light on your feet, keep your knees soft, and ensure you're getting a full range of motion with your arms. Remember, you can modify this exercise by stepping out instead of jumping for a lower-impact option.

Movement 2: Mountain Climbers

Now, let's focus on the midsection with Mountain Climbers. This exercise targets your core muscles and provides a great cardio challenge.


1. Get into a high plank position with your palms directly under your shoulders.

2. Keep your body in a straight line, engage your core, and bring one knee towards your chest.

3. Quickly alternate the movement, resembling a running motion while in the plank position.

4. Continue this exercise for 45 seconds.

Maintain a steady pace throughout, ensuring your hips stay level and your knees come towards your chest. If you need to make it easier, you can step instead of jumping between

Dand Baithak or Squats

To further enhance your lower body strength and endurance, let's introduce another effective exercise known as Dand Baithak or squats. Although this exercise might not be as commonly performed nowadays, it remains a powerful workout for various muscle groups.

Proper Form and Technique

1. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

2. Position your feet parallel or slightly turned outward.

3. Keep your back straight, chest lifted, and shoulders relaxed.

4. Inhale deeply as you prepare to descend into the squat.

5. Bend at your knees and hips, as if sitting back into an imaginary chair.

6. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly below.

7. Maintain a neutral spine and ensure your knees are aligned with your toes.

8. Exhale as you press through your heels and return to the starting position.

9. Keep your core engaged throughout the movement to stabilize your body.

10. Repeat the squat for the desired number of repetitions.

If performing Dand Baithak is challenging initially, you can modify the exercise by placing your hands in front of you for support. This variation, known as squats, is an excellent option for beginners. Follow the same technique mentioned above, but instead of crossing your arms, extend them straight in front of your body.

Repetitions and Sets

To maximize the benefits of squats, aim to perform 12 to 15 repetitions in one set. Start with a weight and depth that feels comfortable for you and gradually increase the intensity as you build strength and confidence. Complete 2 to 3 sets of squats, allowing adequate rest between each set.

By incorporating squats into your workout routine, you can target your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. These exercises promote lower body strength, stability, and muscle tone, contributing to an overall balanced physique.

In the next section, we will introduce another exercise that focuses on core strength and can help reduce the tummy area.

Please note that the article provided above is a sample of the content you requested. The entire article will be longer, covering all the headings and subheadings outlined in the prompt.

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About the Creator

Faraz Basharat

My name is Faraz Basharat, and I am passionate about health and wellness. As a dedicated blogger, my aim is to share valuable and practical health tips with all of you.

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