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Loose Belly Fat in Seven Days Challenge

Russian Twists

By awanPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Loose Belly Fat in Seven Days Challenge

Welcome to the "Loose Belly Fat in Seven Days" challenge by CureFit! I'm Tiffany, and I'll be your guide throughout this workout.

I have eight workout movements for you to help you burn that stubborn belly fat. Today's workout is a seven-day challenge designed to target your belly fat. All you have to do is join me in this workout where we'll be performing these specially handpicked movements. By following this challenge for the next seven days and complementing it with the right nutrition, you will see some real changes in your body. So let's begin the "Loose Belly Fat in Seven Days" challenge.

Table of Contents


Jumping Jacks

Mountain Climbers

Elbow Plank

Flutter Kicks

High Knees

Russian Twists

Leg Tucks

Bicycle Crunches



1. Introduction

Are you tired of dealing with stubborn belly fat? If so, you're in the right place. The "Loose Belly Fat in Seven Days" challenge is designed to help you shed those extra pounds and achieve a stronger core. Over the next seven days, we'll be focusing on targeted movements that will work wonders on your belly fat.

2. Jumping Jacks

The first movement we have is the good old jumping jack. To perform this exercise, jump out with your hands up overhead and jump back in. If you want to scale it down, you can simply step out and repeat on the other side. Let's do this for 45 seconds.

Stay light on your feet, keep your knees soft, and ensure a big movement with your arms all the way overhead. This exercise provides full-body conditioning and is a great way to start our challenge.

3. Mountain Climbers

Next up, we'll focus on the midsection with mountain climbers. Get into a high plank position with your palms directly under your shoulders. Bring your knee towards your chest and alternate quickly, as if you're running in place. Let's do this for 45 seconds.

Maintain a steady pace throughout the exercise and keep your entire body in one line. Remember to bring your knees towards your chest and avoid lifting your hips up. You can increase or decrease the intensity based on your preference, but make sure to keep moving.

4. Elbow Plank

Now, let's work on your core with the elbow plank. Get into a position where your elbows are directly under your shoulders. Step out onto your toes, keeping your entire body in one line. Squeeze your abs and hold this position for 45 seconds.

To make it more challenging, you can keep your palms away from each other and pressed onto the ground. Focus on sucking your belly in and maintaining a straight line with your body. Remember to breathe in and out as you hold the plank.

5. Flutter Kicks

It's time for flutter kicks to engage your abdominal muscles further. Sit back, extend your legs, and alternate lifting them up and down. For an added challenge, clasp your hands in front of you. Let's do this for 45 seconds.

Keep your torso upright and avoid hunching over. Maintain proper posture with your shoulders back and neck neutral. Focus on your breath and keep your core activated throughout the exercise.

6. High Knees

Now, let's bring up the intensity with high knees. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Lift one knee towards your chest and quickly alternate legs as if you're running in place. Pump your arms to match the movement. Let's do this for 45 seconds.

Engage your core and keep a brisk pace throughout the exercise. Focus on bringing your knees up as high as possible while maintaining good posture. This exercise not only targets your abdominal muscles but also provides a great cardiovascular workout.

7. Russian Twists

Next, we'll target your oblique muscles with Russian twists. Sit on the ground with your knees bent and feet flat. Lean back slightly, engage your core, and lift your feet off the ground. Twist your torso from side to side, touching the ground with your hands. Let's do this for 45 seconds.

Keep your back straight and maintain a stable position as you twist. Control the movement and engage your obliques to maximize the effectiveness of this exercise. You can increase the challenge by holding a weight or a medicine ball.

8. Leg Tucks

Let's continue with leg tucks to work on your lower abs. Lie down on your back with your legs extended. Lift your legs towards your chest, bending at the knees, and engage your abs. Slowly lower your legs back down without touching the ground. Let's do this for 45 seconds.

Focus on using your abdominal muscles to lift your legs, rather than relying on momentum. Keep your lower back pressed into the ground and maintain a controlled movement throughout. This exercise targets your lower abs and helps strengthen your core.

9. Bicycle Crunches

Last but not least, we have bicycle crunches to engage your entire core. Lie down on your back with your hands behind your head. Lift your shoulders off the ground and bring your right elbow towards your left knee while extending your right leg. Alternate sides in a cycling motion. Let's do this for 45 seconds.

Keep a steady pace and focus on twisting your torso to bring your elbow and knee together. Avoid pulling on your neck and use your core muscles to initiate the movement. Bicycle crunches are an effective exercise for targeting both your upper and lower abs.

10. Conclusion

Congratulations on completing the "Loose Belly Fat in Seven Days" challenge! By incorporating these targeted movements into your daily routine for seven days and combining them with a balanced diet, you're on your way to achieving a stronger core and reducing belly fat.

Remember, consistency is key. Stay committed to your fitness goals beyond this challenge and continue to make healthy choices. Don't forget to listen to your body, rest when needed, and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program.

Keep up the great work and enjoy the benefits of a fitter, healthier you!

11. FAQs

Q: Can I do this challenge if I'm a beginner?

A: Yes, absolutely! The challenge is designed to be accessible for all fitness levels. You can modify the intensity of each exercise based on your capabilities.

Q: Can I do this challenge if I have any pre-existing health conditions?

A: It's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions. They can provide personalized advice and guidance based on your specific needs.

Q: Do I need any equipment for this challenge?

A: No, this challenge doesn't require any equipment. You can perform all the exercises using your body weight. However, if you want to increase the intensity, you can incorporate weights or resistance bands.

Q: How many times a day should I do

Q: How many times a day should I do this workout?

A: For optimal results, aim to complete the workout routine once a day. However, if you feel comfortable and want to challenge yourself further, you can do it twice a day with a few hours of rest in between. Remember to listen to your body and avoid overexertion.

Q: Can I combine this challenge with other forms of exercise?

A: Absolutely! This challenge can be a great addition to your existing exercise routine. You can combine it with cardio exercises, strength training, or any other physical activities you enjoy. Just make sure to give yourself enough rest and recovery time.

Q: Can I still do this challenge if I have limited mobility or injuries?

A: If you have limited mobility or injuries, it's important to prioritize your safety and consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified fitness instructor. They can provide you with modifications or alternative exercises that suit your abilities and help you achieve your goals without causing further harm.

Q: Will doing this challenge alone help me lose belly fat?

A: While this challenge can help strengthen your core and contribute to overall fat loss, it's important to remember that spot reduction is not possible. To effectively lose belly fat, you need to combine regular exercise with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Focus on creating a calorie deficit, incorporating whole foods, and staying consistent with your fitness routine.

Q: How long will it take to see results?

A: The timeframe for seeing results varies from person to person and depends on various factors such as your current fitness level, body composition, and adherence to the workout routine and healthy habits. With consistency and dedication, you can start noticing changes in your core strength and body composition within a few weeks.

Remember, everyone's journey is unique, so focus on progress rather than comparing yourself to others. Celebrate the small victories along the way and stay committed to your health and well-being.

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    AWritten by awan

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