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Law Of Attraction What is It And How Does It Work?

Law of attraction what is it and how does it really work?

By ARCHIBOLD TLADIPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Law Of Attraction What is It And How Does It Work?
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Some people have the impression that the stars are always aligning in their favor, as if they authored their own fate. Regardless of obstacles or setbacks, some individuals emerge unscathed from even the most trying circumstances, blessed in some way by what appears to be a miracle. What's the secret to their success? What if you discovered the key to living the life you desire? Although it may appear irrational, many individuals believe in the Law of Attraction. So, what exactly is the point of all of this?

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The concept of manifesting destiny, which is based on the Law of Attraction, is the idea that putting good energy and believing in a desired outcome can allow a person to achieve it. In other words, simply believing in something gives you the capacity to achieve it. Does this sound a little out there? Maybe. But, if so many people swear by it, isn't it worth at least looking into?

Here are ways to comprehend the Law of Attraction and how it can help you materialize the life you want.

1. Create a clear path and a clear plan to achieve your goals.

The Law of Attraction is a basic concept. You must have a clear idea of what you desire. You concentrate on the positive parts of whatever it is that you require, desire, or wish to manifest. Positive energy attracts positive energy, while negative energy attracts negative energy. This is where the phrase "misery loves company" originated. Lower-level energies will congregate in one place. If you wish to manifest, you must visualize yourself rising above these forces and being optimistic. This can be expanded upon by saying that if you believe it, it will happen. Words have power, and thoughts have the potential to be energy.

To manifest your destiny, you must first determine what you desire, have a clear plan to get there, and think positively about the outcome.

The first step is to recognize that you want to attempt something new and unusual. The next step is to figure out where you went wrong. Recognizing the bad aspects of your life and the mistakes you've made are crucial first steps toward manifesting your future with a positive mindset. Finally, concentrate on positive thoughts and activities that will help you achieve your goals.

2. Positive Thinking Produces Positive Results

Every time you have a negative idea, you must counter it with three good ones. It will happen if you focus all of your positive energy on a wonderful outcome. This can be seen in prayer, as people focus on sending up a positive message in prayer in the hopes of a positive outcome.

In the endeavor to materialize one's destiny, the value of good ideas and energies cannot be overstated. Only our cognitive behavior has the ability to guide us to our desired destination.

"When you focus on manifesting a happy future, your intentions and behaviors are naturally aligned with positivity." This will have a good impact on your health, relationships, and achievements.

3. Negative Thinking Produces Negative Results

If you concentrate on the negative, you will draw lower-lying energy, and you will, in turn, generate negative. At a busy time, try to find a parking spot in the mall. Concentrate on your environment and visualize it; do not allow any bad thoughts to enter your mind, and simply be cheerful. It may take a few attempts to get it right, but once you do, it becomes second nature. On the other hand, if you continue to focus on something psychologically, you will eventually begin to believe it is true, and it will come true just because you have followed that train of thought.

The world you create is based on where your mind concentrates its energy. This guideline applies to both positive and bad thoughts and outcomes. When it comes to what you don't want, don't let negative ideas take over your desires.

"You may be fixated on unfavorable results without realizing it." You may be hyper-focused on your fear of failure or obsessed with what will happen if you fail — to the point where you're devoting all of your attention to failing rather than success. This is how bad things happen.

This is where self-assurance triumphs over fear or low self-esteem. Control your thoughts, and you'll be able to control your fate.

4. Manifesting Destiny Doesn't Always Go As Planned

It might not be exactly as you envision - say you earn $35,000 as a writer and want to earn $100,000. You might get an offer in a different industry that matches your financial needs, or a different writing style than you're used to, or an assignment that you weren't expecting. The point is that you will get what you ask for, even if it isn't precisely what you expected. Now, if you don't have a job or income and ask for a Maserati, you're unlikely to get one. However, you might make a new buddy who owns one and get to drive it.

Manifesting destiny does not imply that you will have your wishes granted, as a hypothetical genie in a bottle might, but everything you put your energy into will manifest in some way. You'll miss it if you're waiting for something greater since you'll be so attentive and focused on what you want.

5. You Have Complete Control Over Your Happiness When You Manifest Destiny

You are more likely to be joyful and eager about getting out of bed and enjoying your day if you feel in control of your life. You will be sad and furious most of the time if you feel like you are a prisoner to your job. You will enjoy and be excited every day if you can construct the life, job, and family that you desire.

The advantages of manifesting destiny are obvious: feeling in charge of your future makes your days feel lot more hopeful, meaningful, and generally cheerful.

6. Manifesting Destiny Believes That You Get Back What You Give

The Law of Karma perfectly explains manifesting destiny and the Law of Attraction. It basically states that if you think negatively, you will get poor results. If you claim, "I never win anything," and then enter a raffle, you will simply not win. You said you wouldn't. You won't win if you concentrate on winning and the person next to you exudes more positive energy than you do. The idea is to send out the same amount of energy that you wish to receive. If you want to be happy, seek it out and surround yourself with it, and yours will increase.

7. Let go of what you don't want in order to make room for what you do

Although one can work toward favorable outcomes, there are always some who say, "I want this but not that." I want this and that, but if I can't have both, I'll take this.' Convoluted requests and outcomes are the result of these types of beliefs. The modifiers 'not, but, and, as well as, either/or' muddle up the situation. The forces that guide and support us accept our requests, whether spoken or written, and literally manifest them (including those words). It's just the way things go. I advise individuals to only speak or write down what they desire, leaving out what they don't want. Modifiers frequently provide mixed results, which may not be what someone desires.

Again, be careful while putting your efforts into achieving your goals. Strive for specifics, avoid playing devil's advocate, and stay focused on the positive. Ask just for what you want, not for what you don't.

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While it may appear confusing on the surface, manifesting destiny is a powerful concept that allows you to influence your life in the way you see fit. No one other than you has the capacity to influence your life, just as you have the power to govern your self-acceptance, self-love, and self-confidence. Take control of your future right now. What's lacking from your ideal life? Get it now.

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