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I will not give up

mental health

By awan sudarmantoPublished 5 days ago 3 min read

Ryan had always been a dreamer. From a young age, he imagined himself doing great things. He was the kid who stayed up late, reading books about explorers, inventors, and leaders. But as he got older, Ryan realized that dreams didn’t just come true on their own—they required hard work, persistence, and a whole lot of grit.

Ryan’s biggest dream was to become a successful entrepreneur. He wanted to create something that would make a difference in people’s lives. After college, he decided to take the plunge and start his own tech company. He had an innovative idea for an app that he believed would revolutionize how people managed their daily tasks.

He poured his heart and soul into his startup. He spent countless hours developing the app, coding late into the night, and sacrificing weekends to perfect his vision. Ryan was all in. But as any entrepreneur knows, the road to success is rarely smooth. He faced one obstacle after another—technical glitches, funding issues, and stiff competition. There were times when it seemed like nothing was going right.

One particularly rough day, after a major investor backed out, Ryan found himself sitting alone in his tiny office, feeling defeated. He had put everything he had into this venture, and now it felt like it was slipping through his fingers. The thought of giving up crossed his mind. Maybe he wasn’t cut out for this. Maybe it was time to find a regular job and let go of his dream.

But then, he remembered something his grandfather used to tell him: “Ryan, the only time you truly fail is when you stop trying.” His grandfather had been a farmer, someone who knew a lot about hard work and persistence. He’d faced droughts, floods, and countless challenges, yet he never gave up. He’d always found a way to keep going.

Ryan took a deep breath and decided he wasn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. He got up, grabbed a piece of paper, and started writing down all the reasons he started this journey in the first place. He wrote about his passion for technology, his desire to make a positive impact, and the people who believed in him. Seeing his motivations on paper reignited the fire within him.

The next morning, Ryan reached out to his network, seeking advice and potential new investors. He attended workshops and seminars, learning everything he could about improving his pitch and his business model. He also started working on a new version of his app, incorporating feedback he’d received from users and experts alike.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Slowly but surely, things began to turn around. Ryan secured a meeting with another investor, someone who saw the potential in his idea. This time, armed with experience and a renewed sense of determination, Ryan delivered a pitch that was compelling and confident. The investor was impressed and decided to fund his project.

With new funding and a clear vision, Ryan’s startup began to gain traction. The app launched successfully, and users started to pour in. The positive feedback was overwhelming. People loved the app and how it made their lives easier. Ryan’s hard work was finally paying off.

But the journey didn’t stop there. There were still challenges to face, and Ryan knew that perseverance was key. He continued to work hard, adapt, and improve. Each setback was met with resilience and a commitment to keep moving forward. He remembered his grandfather’s words and made them his mantra: “I will not give up.”

Years later, Ryan’s company was thriving. It had grown from a small startup to a well-respected business in the tech industry. Looking back, Ryan realized that the journey was just as important as the destination. Every challenge, every moment of doubt, and every little victory had shaped him into the person he was.

One evening, as Ryan sat in his office—now much larger and busier than it used to be—he smiled to himself. He had come a long way from those late nights coding in a tiny room. The path had been far from easy, but he had made it because he refused to give up. He knew that as long as he held onto that determination, he could face whatever the future had in store.

Ryan’s story is a testament to the power of persistence. No matter how tough things get, the decision to keep going, to push through the obstacles, and to never give up can lead to incredible outcomes. It’s a reminder that the only true failure is giving up, and with unwavering determination, dreams can become reality.

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About the Creator

awan sudarmanto

it may be difficult to explain in words, but by writing it will be easier to express and more understandable because writing can represent feelings that are sometimes difficult to express, writing is the door to opening truth and reality.

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    awan sudarmantoWritten by awan sudarmanto

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