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I Started Making My Bed Every Morning

Here are the results.

By Emily FormanPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
I Started Making My Bed Every Morning
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

There are two types of people in the world, those who make their beds every morning and those who don’t. I have fallen into the second category for the majority of my life.

About a month ago I decided since I was working on healthier habits and lifestyle while taking my life back from Lyme Disease I would start making my bed each morning to see what happened. As the result, I have been converted into the first group of people and never looked back.

It Brings My Night Time Routine to the Next Level

The feeling when you stay at a hotel and you come back to a nice neat room, your bed is perfectly made, and when you get into bed the feeling is just glorious. You sleep great and feel well-rested the next day. Making my bed each morning created that feeling for me. Maybe not to the same extent but fairly close.

I have found since starting this small morning habit has brought my nighttime routine to the next level. It has added comfort and relaxation after a long day as I read and start to drift asleep. Getting into a made bed is just that much more soothing and relaxing.

Better Sleep

I have found since I started making my bed each morning the quality of my sleep has improved tremendously. The bed feels comfortable and cozy allowing for better shut-eye. I have also noticed that I am not waking up in the middle of the night. Each morning I feel well-rested and ready to take on the day ahead. As someone who has not always been the best sleeper, this is a huge benefit to my new routine.

It’s Easy on the Eyes

After work each day I go to my room and change out of my work clothes, looking over at the neatly made bed after a long day of work and getting ready to make dinner is a soothing sight. Taking in a nicely made bed that is waiting for you to finish up the day is rewarding. On the flip side when I come home from a long day of work and still running through my to-do list and look over at an unmade messy bed it doesn’t help my stress and anxiety, it increases it. When thinking about these two scenarios which one would you rather see?

Getting in the Habit

Getting in the routine can be the hardest part of the new habit, but I can promise after a few days you won’t look back. Here are a few quick tips to jump-start the new habit.

It doesn’t have to be perfect- The bed doesn’t have to be perfectly made and tucked in. As long as it is made and not messy.

It doesn’t take that long- I am not a morning person and usually run a little late in the morning. But I promise you this takes no more than 5 minutes and when I think about not making the bed, I remember all of the benefits.

Think about it as self-care- Incorporate it into your daily self-care routine. The five minutes in the morning it takes to make the bed is giving me eight hours of quality sleep. I have tried a million hacks for better sleep, but this is the easiest one with the biggest reward.

I’m sold on making my bed each morning. I never thought I would be that person but once I got in the habit of making it each morning all of the benefits started to appear and outweigh the negatives.

Do you make your bed each morning? What do you think is the biggest positive of making your bed each morning is?

self help

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