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How to Treat Homemaking Like a Job

Being successful in a career means knowing your passion and chasing it.

By Jodie RowePublished 4 days ago 5 min read

Know Your Purpose

Being successful in a career means knowing your passion and chasing it!

It also involves developing powerful habits and acquiring knowledge along with an optimistic outlook that makes you more effecient at work.

The same goes for homemaking. You need to be so passionate that people start respecting your job.

But before that, know if homemaking is for you?

You are only going to something if you are passionate about it.

You are likely to do better at things you enjoy.

If homemaking is something you love, you will never work a day in your life.

Appreciate Your Job Expectations

In a professional job, you are aware of what your employer is seeking.

To achieve success at work, you work hard, be productive, and fulfill all the skills listed in your job description.

You learn the mission and goals of the organization. And do your utmost to achieve the goals and help the business attain its mission.

In the same manner, first, be aware of what is expected of your role as a homemaker.

Then know what skills you need to achieve success in keeping your home.

Have a goal.

Write down the current situation of your house.

Rate your house on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being filthy and 10 being germ-free.

Write out how you expect it to be. Create an action plan and be your best.

Master Your Time

Successful career women manage their time effectively.

They plan out their workday the night before and prioritize the critical tasks.

They know their working hours.

Working women wake up early and have a routine.

Doing all that you would have to do for your career/profession would take your homemaking to another level.

Simply by rising early and having a productive morning routine, you can finish your housework (that is - kitchen cleared post breakfast, laundry hung up to dry, house neatened, yourself dressed up) by 9-9.30 a.m.

Your reward would be - plenty of free time (except a little bit for dinner preperation) for important work or things you enjoy.

By breaking down cleaning, decluttering, or organizing projects into small workable parts, minimizing pasttimes, learning to say no, and establishing routines, you can master your time pretty well.

Set Goals

One of the most profitable things one can do for his or her career is set realistic goals.

So if you ask me, my homemaking goals are short-term as well as long-term.

The short-term goals consist of something like starting my day early, being consistent with my cleaning routines, preparing nourishing meals on time, cutting grocery costs, sticking to a budger, and decluttering one shelf/drawer every day.

My long-term goals involve being productive, bringing more value, holding myself accountable, engaging in creating a sanctuary, and learning new homemaking skills.

Learn New Skills

Whether you are a seasoned homemaker or just stepped into homemaking, there are plenty of skills that help you become a better homemaker.

It can be cooking, baking, canning, preserving, cleaning specific items, home decor, sewing, or gardening.

The more skilled you are the more homemaking becomes simple and enjoyable.

Learn and Implement New Techniques

The core element of success is life-long learning.

Your prospects for growth increase when you are determined to learn new things.

If you admire a homemaker and wish to take her as a model, look for skills she has that you can learn and program time.

Check out YouTube/Google. Find courses online.

Pick something that brings you opportunities for home-based business/service.

Dress Appropriately

We know how corporate women invest a lot of their time and money in their looks.

What's holding us back, homemakers?

Pj's is a big no-no for homemakers too.

Much like the corporate world, homemakers must have a dress code too that matches their work environment. And that definately is not your pj's.

Look for something comfy yet dressy to wear all day.

Feel free to wear your big-budget outfit on some days too.

You don't need a special occassion to feel your best.

Keep a Positive Attitude

Start feeling confident; feeling worthy of your position/job title - homemaker.

Reconize your role and prove the non-financial value that you bring through homemaking.

Be confident that even if you are not bringing in income, you are giving your family your time (more valuable than money). You are ensuring your family's good health and happiness, helping them pursue their passion, creating a place of comfort, and caring for them.

Keep an optimistic attitude and others will respect your role as a homemaker.

Maintain Work-Life Balance

Homemaking demands can dominate all our life.

Though you stay home, housework can consume a lot of your time.

You hardly do if you don't intentionally ake time for your family.

Referring to homemaking, it is always better to choos quality over quantity.

Steadiness and composure are a must for your sanity.

Carving out a little time to exercise, meditate, or watch a favourite tv show is important to make you feel better. A short vacation can help you recharge mentally as well as physically.

As we talked about earlier, setting working hours which means deciding on work duration/how long you work (when you start working and when you wrap up) is crucial to regard your work boundaries and expectations.

Act Professionally

If you want to be a successful homemaker, take charge of your victories and failures.

Celebrate your accomplishments and explore them in the future.

Accept failures without letting them dishonour you. Learn from mistakes.

Read books, blogs, magazines, and newspapers. Develop good communication skills.

Come up with new ideas and solutions for your family members.

Widen your emotional intelligence.

Read books, blogs, magazines, and newspapers. Develop good communication skills.

Final Words

Treating homemaking like a job is easier with these quick tips. Know why you are into homemaking. Value your work. Be a timely person. Set achievable goals. Upgrade yourself. Be a learner. Get dressed. Have a positive vision. Balance your work life. Be artful.

By being affectionate, determined, and intentional, you can master the art of homemaking.


About the Creator

Jodie Rowe

Writer|Creator|Yogi Lover of Feng Shui, Personal Development, Wellness and Interior Design

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    Jodie RoweWritten by Jodie Rowe

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