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How to take care of elderly people in COVID?

Tips for taking care of elderly people around us during this pandemic

By YoganandatrustPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The COVID pandemic has taught us a lot of lessons. In the middle of the mayhem, some of us are at peace because we are there with our families or loved ones to fight it together. But there are also some people who are helpless and financially weak. A lot of poor elderly mothers in our community live all alone after being abandoned by their family members. We need to care for them too!

We all have heard the age-old saying, "prevention is better than cure”. Well, it is the best remedy at hand, and it is especially vital for the elderly people in our society or neighborhood. COVID 19 puts the elderly at a higher risk, and those with pre-existing conditions are much more exposed. This pandemic makes caring for them more difficult, and the ongoing lockdown makes it more difficult to reach out to people who reside far away. We may assist them wherever we are and reassure them that they are not alone.

Tips for taking care of elderly people around us during this pandemic

1. Engage with them socially, maintaining a little distance

During this time, older people would miss out on their walks, discussion sessions, and evening tea talks. This could be a major issue for them because it is part of their everyday routine. Make them a part of group discussion sessions, live exercises, and even spiritual classes can be made available to them. It will make them feel less stressed even in these difficult times.

2. Take care of their basic needs

Many elderly people's mental health has been affected by the pandemic, and those who live alone should be concerned. Speak with them on a regular basis to check if they're okay; their mental wellness is more important in these times. A positive mindset is what will keep them going throughout this difficult time. Furthermore, elderly persons may find it difficult to see their doctors for frequent check-ups. You can buy them medicines or even consult a doctor for their medical treatment.

3. Ensure they get their daily nutrition

Not all elderly people have enough balance in their bank accounts to support their livelihood. Abandoned elderly mothers have no one to depend upon. For them, it can get difficult to manage food twice a day. In such cases, you can seek help from NGOs like the Yogananda Trust. They will make sure milk, vegetables, and dry rations are distributed among such helpless and poor elderly mothers.

4. Make sure they follow safety measures

Before approaching an elderly person for any kind of assistance, make sure you are thoroughly sanitized and have completed all of the appropriate COVID precautions. Try to talk to them about this pandemic and make sure they have all of the necessary information regarding COVID 19. Discuss the need for social separation with them.

5. Stay in touch!

Loneliness can bring in depression and plenty of negative thoughts, particularly in the lives of abandoned elderly people. Show them a little love and care, and help them live their life with dignity. Your small contribution will make sure that they don’t have to beg for their food and other basic necessities.

6.Connect with them

During this pandemic, most of us have felt some amount of loneliness in our lives. Social distancing has proved to be stressful for a lot of people. Elderly people who have no one to talk to can feel depressed and sad. This is where you can make things better for them. It is not necessary that you have to break the rule of social distancing to interact with them. You can be a good neighbor and exchange a few words once a day. You can see if they need anything, or simply ask about their health condition

So, those are some of the tips you can keep in mind when it comes to helping elderly people during and after the pandemic. NGOs like Yogananda Trust are doing a great job in keeping poor elderly mothers safe and healthy. More strength to them!


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