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How to Speak Like You Think

Be Heard, Be You: Simple Tips for Better Communication

By Aaftab PinjariPublished 8 months ago 4 min read
How to Speak Like You Think
Photo by Maayan Nemanov on Unsplash

Hey there, wonderful readers! Today, I’m thrilled to dive into a topic that’s near and dear to my heart — the art of transforming your thoughts into words that resonate, captivate, and truly reflect the brilliance within you. If you’ve ever found yourself stumbling over your own words, feeling like your mind has so much to say but your mouth can’t quite keep up — well, you’re definitely not alone.

Let’s embark on a journey together, exploring some incredible practices that can help you bridge that gap between your thoughts and your spoken words, and unleash your inner wordsmith!

Discovering the Three M’s: My Personal Turning Point

Okay, so picture this — there I was, having one of those “aha” moments. You know, the kind that feels like a lightbulb flickering to life in your mind. It struck me that there’s a fascinating journey we all go through when it comes to communication. We start with the “me” stage, where self-doubt and anxiety might creep in, making us hyper-aware of every word we utter. Then, with some practice, we transition to the “message” stage, where we fine-tune our choice of words to convey our ideas more effectively.

But, oh boy, the real magic happens when we step into the “messenger” stage. This is where we become vessels for our beliefs, where words flow effortlessly and authentically. It’s like the floodgates open, and suddenly, you’re speaking with a sense of purpose and passion that’s simply infectious.

So, there I was, standing at this crossroads, eager to share with you all how embracing the “messenger” within can unlock the Flow State — that zone where your thoughts and words align seamlessly.

Being Present: My Moment of Connection

Ah, being present in the moment — it’s a game-changer, and trust me, I’ve been there too. It’s so easy to get caught up in the worry of saying the “right” thing or fearing judgment from others. But here’s the thing, friends — when we truly listen, when we’re fully engaged in the conversation, something magical happens. The nerves quiet down, and we find ourselves responding with authenticity and depth. It’s like the world around you fades away, and you’re connected in this beautiful dance of words.

Think about Steve Jobs or Muhammad Ali — they treated each word as a precious gem, and that’s why they left such a lasting impact. When you’re present, you’re not just surviving conversations — you’re thriving, making connections that are genuine and profound.

Expanding Your Vocabulary: My Palette of Words

Let me share a little secret with you: words are like colors on an artist’s palette. And just like an artist uses a broad range of colors to create a masterpiece, we can use a diverse vocabulary to paint vivid pictures with our words. Now, I won’t lie — this is a journey, not a sprint. As I started exploring new words and phrases, I began to notice how my thoughts gained a new richness.

It’s not about using fancy words for the sake of it; it’s about finding the right shade of expression that perfectly captures what you’re thinking. So, let’s dive into books, let’s play with language, and let’s infuse our speech with the vibrancy that only a diverse vocabulary can offer.

Forethought: The Pause that Resonates

Here’s the thing about pauses — they’re like the punctuation marks in a conversation. They give your thoughts room to breathe, to unfold, to reveal their true essence. I remember watching an interview with Steve Jobs where he paused for over two minutes before giving a 30-second answer. It was like witnessing a masterclass in articulation. And you know what? It made me realize that it’s okay to take a moment, to gather your thoughts, to ensure your words are a true reflection of what you mean.

In our fast-paced world, we often feel pressured to respond instantly. But here’s a secret — when you pause, you’re not just buying time; you’re giving yourself the space to craft words that resonate deeply and leave a lasting impression.

Reading Aloud: The Symphony of Expression

Okay, confession time — I’ve always loved books. There’s something magical about getting lost in the pages of a story. But you know what’s even more magical? Reading those stories aloud. It’s like giving life to the words, watching them dance off the page and come alive in the air. This practice isn’t just about improving your vocal skills — it’s about immersing yourself in the rhythm of language, about feeling the cadence of your thoughts as they take shape in spoken form.

So grab a book, any book, and let your voice become an instrument in the symphony of expression. Trust me, this practice has the power to transform how you connect with your thoughts and share them with the world.

In Conclusion: Your Journey, Your Voice

As we wrap up this journey, I want you to know that this isn’t about perfection. It’s about authenticity, about connecting with your thoughts on a deeper level and sharing them in a way that resonates with others. You have a unique voice, a perspective that deserves to be heard, and these practices are tools that can help you amplify that voice.

So, my fellow adventurers, keep embracing the messengers within you. Embrace the power of presence, the delight of a diverse vocabulary, the magic of a well-placed pause, and the symphony of reading aloud.

As you weave these practices into your life, you’ll find yourself speaking not just with your mouth, but with your heart and soul.

Here’s to your journey of expression — may it be filled with discovery, growth, and a whole lot of beautiful words.

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About the Creator

Aaftab Pinjari

Equipped with a sense of what went spectacularly wrong and right in Movies and Shows. If you enjoy what you read, you might want to stick around because you will be astounded by the information you missed and how clear it was.

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