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How to manage stress

By AfnaanayPublished 8 months ago 4 min read
How to manage stress
Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash

Remembrance of GOD

when discussing the well being of heart and soul , it is important to recognise their essential needs,just as we acknowledge the needs of our physical body .Much like the body requires oxygen,food and water to survive,the heart and soul also require their own form of oxygen ., soul needs its oxygen to stay alive and the oxygen of the heart and the soul is the remembrance of God .


is when we're not PRAYING , when we don't pray or we don't pray it's like depriving the heart of its oxygen of the spiritual oxygen that it needs to just be okay and stay alive this is just to stay alive just as the body it needs it requires oxygen.

Keeping our mind healthy

so there are ways that we feed our bodies and there are ways that we feed our mind and one of the ways to keep our mind healthy. the things that we focus on tend to become bigger and bigger and so one thing that a person can do is shifting the focus of what it is that you focus on in your life each day .Remember that with “ every hardship comes ease” ,what it means is that at any given point in time any hardship that you are given god gives you ease at the same time so what does shifting your focus mean ? shifting your focus is a mental exercise where it's about what is your focal point .For example to the practice of gratitude and and the reason I mentioning this your Lord is telling you this that if you are grateful I will increase you but interestingly enough in psychological research they are finding the power of gratitude that the practice of gratitude daily has been shown to alleviate physical as well as psychological symptoms .

To heal address your past

mention when it comes to focus is how we cope and deal with our past now the past is is something that can be very painful many of us may have trauma even in our past to extremes in dealing with difficult or painful pasts on the one hand you have the people who tell you to put a bandaid on it you know just just just suck it up and sometimes even cultures kind of push this type of put your happy face on type of attitude right numb it just appear happy and everything will be okay and this is a little bit like getting a gunshot wound and putting a bandaid on it you can't say time heals all wounds if you didn't address the wound does that make sense and so there's that there's that side of the extreme where where wounds are not being addressed and they cannot heal if they're not addressed so part of healing is addressing the wound itself and now how do you address it well it depends on the situation sometimes it involves getting professional help it cannot be ignored and you expect that it's gonna go away because again a band-aid on a gunshot wound it doesn't make it go in fact time is in fact going to in it's gonna become infected and then that infection could lead to an amputation and so so emotionally it's the same thing with wounds we have to address them we have to heal them we have to treat them and then time can heal them. what happens is sometimes we get stuck in it we can also get stuck in our past and that's another unhealthy pattern where a person is not able to move forward because of this being stuck in in the past and again that's something that's part of addressing it is so that one can can address it and then can move on we need to be more compassionate ourselves .

Keeping body and environment healthy

Balanced diet : eat a variety of nutrient rich foods, including fruits ,vegetables ,protein and healthy fats.

Stay hydrated

Regular exercise

Adequate sleep

Go outside

Access to green spaces and nature has been linked to improved mental health and stress reduction .Taking time to connect with nature , whether through outdoor activities or spending time in parks,can positively impact both personal well being and your appreciation for the environment.


Keeping a journal helps you create order when your world feels like it's in chaos. You get to know yourself by revealing your most private fears, thoughts, and feelings. Look at your writing time as personal relaxation time. It's a time when you can de-stress and wind down.

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