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How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset — Tips and Techniques for Embracing Challenges

Strategies for Unlocking Your Potential and Overcoming Obstacles

By Theresa DouglasPublished about a year ago 5 min read
How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset — Tips and Techniques for Embracing Challenges
Photo by Daniel Öberg on Unsplash

If you want to succeed in life, you have to be willing to take risks. That's why it's important to cultivate a growth mindset. A term by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck in her book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.

A growth mindset is about learning and improving yourself through challenges and failure. Treat those setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than negative experiences.

In other words, believe that your abilities are not fixed but malleable — and capable of being improved with sustained effort over time. If you're ready to change how you think about challenges, read on!

Change your mindset

Understand the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset. A person with a fixed mindset believes that abilities are set in stone.

Someone with a growth mindset understands that they can improve their skills through hard work, dedication, and persistence.

Think about your mindset. Are you someone who sees challenges as opportunities to grow?

Or do you tend to shy away from difficult tasks because they're too intimidating or don't seem like something you can do well enough right now (and possibly ever)?

Think about how others approach challenges, especially people who are successful at what they do: Do they see themselves as being talented at everything, or does their confidence come from working hard over time so that eventually it becomes second nature?

Use language that reflects your growth-oriented perspective: Instead of saying "I'm bad at math," try "I don't yet understand algebraic equations." And instead of saying "I'm not good at public speaking," try "Talking in front of large groups makes me nervous."

Learn to become a lifelong learner

By Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

To cultivate a growth mindset, you must learn to become a lifelong learner. A growth mindset means that you are willing to try new things and seek out new experiences. It also means being open to learning from others and even your mistakes.

As such, here are some ways in which you can cultivate a growth mindset:

Stay curious about the world around you. If there's something or someone who fascinates or interests you, go ahead and ask them about it. You never know what kind of knowledge may result from such an interaction.

Even if nothing does come out of asking questions (or even if something goes wrong), at least now you've learned from each other.

Be willing to try anything once (and twice). This includes eating strange foods, such as durian or snake soup; taking up unusual hobbies like origami folding or calligraphy practice; traveling abroad without knowing any Spanish whatsoever.

The possibilities do seem endless when we are willing to embrace them.

Take the risk of failure

By Edge2Edge Media on Unsplash

Failure is a part of life. It's not the opposite of success. The only way to succeed is by taking risks and learning from mistakes.

Failure can be a good thing because it means you're challenging yourself, which will help you grow as an individual in the long run.

When you take on new challenges or responsibilities at work or school, don't be afraid to fail — it's inevitable.

The key is how you respond when things don't go as planned: Do you give up? Or do you keep trying until eventually achieving what may have seemed impossible at first glance?

Focus on what you can do instead of what you cannot

A growth mindset focuses on what you can do to improve, not what you can't. It's an outlook that allows you to focus on the positive rather than dwelling on the negative aspects of a situation.

If you're able to adopt this perspective when confronted with challenges, it will help keep your spirits up and inspire confidence in yourself as well as others around you.

Be willing to learn from others

Being willing to learn from others is essential to developing a growth mindset. You can't expect to be able to do everything yourself, so you must be open to feedback and criticism from those around you.

Seeking out the advice of others is one way that can help improve your work product and showcase your talents in front of an audience.

Because being willing to learn from others involves listening closely and asking questions when necessary.

Seek out opinions and feedback on your work

By Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

One of the best ways to cultivate a growth mindset is by seeking out feedback from others. Ask for their opinions about your work or general feedback on how you're doing.

If you have trouble getting people to share their thoughts with you, find someone who knows what they're doing and ask them for advice.

If there's someone in your life who has succeeded in whatever field interests you most (whether that's business or sports or art), try asking them how they achieved their success. You might learn something valuable from them.

Realize that intelligence is malleable and not fixed

One of the most important things you can do is realize that intelligence is malleable, not fixed.

Intelligence is a combination of many different skills and abilities. The ability to learn new information, solve problems, and think critically are a part of what makes up intelligence.

It's also something you can develop through education. If you've ever taken a class that challenged your thinking or required you to stretch beyond what was comfortable for you, then chances are good that the experience has helped improve some aspect of your intelligence.

Think about the consequences of failure and also its benefits

By the blowup on Unsplash

As you think about what you could learn from failure, consider its benefits as well.

If you're going to fail, at least make sure it's a good failure. It's easy to get caught up in the idea of "not failing" — of succeeding every time and always being successful — but this kind of thinking is unrealistic and can lead us down an unproductive path.

Instead, think about how failure could help you succeed in the future by giving us lessons we wouldn't have learned otherwise.

When we fail at something new or difficult (and especially when we don't know why), we often feel frustrated and discouraged by our lack of progress.

However, these feelings are also growth opportunities. By looking at where things went wrong with a focus on improvement rather than wallowing in disappointment over what happened today or yesterday (or last week), our minds become open spaces.

Positive change can occur naturally over time via trial-and-error experimentation rather than stagnation due to constant worry about making mistakes.


A growth mindset is a powerful tool for success. It gives you the courage to face challenges — the ability to learn from failure, which will help you succeed even in the most difficult situations. With these tips, you can cultivate this mindset in yourself and others.

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About the Creator

Theresa Douglas

SEOs Content Marketing Writer | Business Consultant | Certified Health Coach | Passed LinkedIn Skill Assessment (Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Jan., 2023)

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