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How to Become a Human-Being Once Again

Inner peace, serenity, and happiness are found once you become a human-being, not a human-doing.

By Kelson MuddPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Wake up, check the phone, scroll through social media, shower, get dressed, scarf down some breakfast, have a quick listen to the radio, TV or news, then immediately start the day's work. Does that sound like a “human-being”? But wait, there’s more to a typical day in the life of a human in today's modern age! Second phase: Eat lunch while scrolling through your phone, back to work for the rest of the afternoon, come home to check the mail, email, missed calls etc., cook dinner, wind down with a favourite TV show while simultaneously checking the phone and social media, then it's off to bed.

Does this scenario sound familiar? Unfortunately, this is what many of our lives have come to. We as humans have shifted from that of human-beings to human-doings. It is easy to fall into this trap of always “doing” thanks to the many distractions we now have in modern society but that doesn’t mean we have to become enslaved to our phones, TV, and all the other gizmos and gadgets that keep us entertained. Although they didn’t have a choice, it wasn’t all that long ago that people on this planet could simply be the human-beings that they were and allow themselves to simply be in the present moment and find gratitude for the little things.

Always being on the run and feeling like you have to be doing something is not helpful in finding inner peace. In fact, it is the complete opposite! We cannot lose sight of the truth as to what we are, human-beings, NOT human-doings. So, how do we enable ourselves to take back control of lives, find that inner peace and happiness we deserve, and become the best version of ourselves? By becoming human-beings once again.

So, what’s the trick? How do we “just be?” Well, start by taking a moment to notice your breath, breathing softly through your nose and out your mouth. Now take in your surroundings. The noises you hear, the smells that enter your nose, look at the nature or objects around you, feel the ground beneath you. It is important to reconnect with our senses as that brings us back into our bodies and let go of the outside world.

Our minds might race with thoughts, but if we become aware of our thoughts and let go of the need to justify what should and should not be, and release ourselves from judging something as good or bad, then we can free our mind. Just accept everything as it is. For example, the neighbors' kids are screaming and yelling playing a game outside your window. Is this bad? If you accept this as neither good or bad, but breathe it in and accept it, maybe even smile a little bit, then you are being in the moment. Another example, the traffic is backed up and drivers are getting irritated and honking their horns. Breathe in this moment and accept it for what it is.

Becoming upset and frustrated won’t solve the issue, so simply being in the moment and finding gratitude for what you have (ie a vehicle to drive, a hot shower that morning, food in the panty, etc) then you will come to find inner peace and serenity in all situations that you encounter throughout the day. Accept what is without judgement or any thoughts of how things “should” or “should not” be, and breathe in the moment. Fight the urge to resist and simply go with the flow. Everything is exactly as it is meant to be. So free yourself from a human-doing and step back into your body as a human-being!

self help

About the Creator

Kelson Mudd

No alarm clock needed, my passion wakes me up! Passion for learning. Passion for empowering and helping others. Passion to being being the best version of myself every day, no excuses...

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