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How To Be Successful in Any Job

The main key to success in any new job is to learn to see yourself through the eyes of other office employees and above all, of the boss.

By Michail BukinPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
How To Be Successful in Any Job
Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

Sometimes you wonder why I, so good with two higher educators, have been working as a simple specialist for ten years, and the idiot Willy, who has been at the office for a week, was given a deputy yesterday out of some fright. This happens not at all because you are more stupid than this, excuse me, an idiot, but for the reason that Vasya knows firsthand how to show himself to the team and the boss only from the best side.

In any team, there is always a place for behind-the-scenes intrigue and the battle for a place in the sun. Therefore, taking the most advantageous position in the office plankton pool requires some vital tricks to be absorbed. Today

Don’t miss the first moment.

First impressions are a very powerful tool for manipulating opinions about you. When you arrive for an interview, try to look different from all this gray mass. How many times do you think your future boss has heard something like this today? “Well, I quit my last job because they paid little, piled up jobs, there were no prospects for a career …” Career growth in the office greenhouse of the open space? Are you serious?

Show all of these interviewers something else. After all, they are looking not only for a way to solve their staffing problem, but they all gathered here to somehow brighten up their gray office everyday life. You have no idea how much fun it is to walk around looking at job seekers. Tell them, for example, that you are looking for a job because your skills and abilities have outgrown the place where you worked. Separate yourself from all the previous ones.

When asked how you see yourself in our company in five years, you can easily leave this banal topic, and joke that you would like to see yourself at this table in such an unchanging team, and make the same fateful decisions for such a cool company. When asked about salary, answer honestly and do not bargain. Strength of character is very important, and after all, you are so smart, and with two superior ones.

Most successful infusions in teams.

Most of those around you in the office are predators like you. But where predators live, there is always a place for those who consider themselves to be such but are not. Those who will be happy to notice all your jambs and “knock” about it to others and to their bosses. Therefore, for the first two months in the office jungle, do not forget the proverbs “your tongue is your enemy” and “shut up, you will pass for a clever one”. Nod, assent, be surprised.

If it’s really difficult to keep silent, arm yourself with the general phrases “I’m in shock!” or “well, that’s it!” In a second week, you yourself will understand what kind of life is boiling inside this anthill. In no case should you avoid corporate events and other socially uniting events? When the chance presents itself, prove yourself. Just not so that the whole office whispered and laughed about your “feat” for another year.

Show yourself. For example, convince the management of the restaurant where you are going to a corporate party to pack the leftovers of untouched food for everyone. After all, in fact, all these remaining cakes and pizzas belong to the company’s employees, not the waiters. Banquet in the office — with the rest of the money, buy a thermal pack of mineral water the next morning and deliver it to the offices. Be helpful. Such organizational skills will certainly please everyone and will not go unnoticed.

When the first steps to adapt to the new team have been made, it’s time to show yourself to the bosses. Overall, for the company, loyalty and dedication weigh much more than your professional skills. You can buy professionalism, but loyalty to the ideas of the company cannot. Therefore, it is very important to clearly understand the goals and objectives of the business for which you work.

Feel free to go to the boss if you are not invited for a planning meeting to find out how you or your department can help with current problems. Put yourself in the shoes of your boss, and try to understand why he gets a hit from the general, and how you can rid him of these sick bumps. Even if you cannot help yourself, suggest options. Many people outsource, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Think ahead. If you see that a problem can happen, think about ways to solve it before it happens. Remember that any issue needs to be resolved, first of all, based on the goals and commercial interests of the company, and only then everything else. Try to put the interests of the company ahead of your own, and it will definitely bear fruit sooner or later.

Who is really going to be promoted?

Surely you understand that the larger the company and the more dynamically it develops, the more chances it has to move up the career ladder in it. Such opportunities appear only in the capital and cities with a population of over one million. On the periphery, there may be exceptions, but sooner or later any large business will nevertheless move to a place where it is easier and easier to solve its problems.

Therefore, if you are tied hand and foot to some regional center, then your ceiling is the head of a department, workshop, etc. A happy ticket to the capital’s office with all the benefits for you and your family is rather an exception to the general rules than regularity. But, for the capital and any periphery, only one rule always works — how selflessly you sacrifice yourself for the benefit of the goal and mission of the company.

Show initiative when she is really and now able to find her embodiment. There is no need to tell how best. The bosses know this well without you. Explain how you can use what is already onboard your boat, in the midst of a vast ocean of problems, to solve specific problems. When you transform from an ordinary employee into a problem-solving tool, you will not only be noticed but also truly appreciated as a high-quality professional who has something to pay for and where to move up the career ladder.

self help

About the Creator

Michail Bukin

Creative Writing Expert and Ambitious Stutterer

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