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How to be positive in negative situation

The art of positive thinking

By Shravani pichkewarPublished 11 days ago 4 min read
How to be positive in negative situation
Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash

one day a professor walked into the classroom and told the students that they would have a surprise test the students felt a mix of curiosity and worry as they took their seats and got freeready for a surprise test the professor handed out the test papers and told everyone to keep the sheets face down until everyone had
received one once all the sheets were handed out the Professor asked the students to turn the sheet over to their surprise there were no questions on the paper instead he students saw just a blank sheet with a single black dot in the center the students looked confused and looked at each other trying to figure out its meaning seeing their reactions the professor address the class I want you to write about what you see on the paper even though they were confused the students started to writing to understand this strange task at the end of the exam the professor gathered all the papers and began reading answers loudly one by one as he read it was clear that every student had only written about the black dot on the paper describing about where it was and what it might mean after he finished reading the professor addressed the silent classroom and said I am not going to grade this test I wanted to give you something to think about all of you had a white paper in front of you with small black dot on it but none of you wrote about the white part of the paper everyone just focused on the black dot then he continued you see our lives are just like the sheet of paper our our lives are mostly filled with white paper there is so much room to enjoy and appreciate things but we often focus on the black dots which are problems and setbacks in our lives we have a lot to be grateful for we have nature around us that refresh us every day we have friends who stand by us we have jobs that support us and our family and many other blessings but instead we usually worry about the small health problems we have not having enough money to pay for what we want problems in relationships or the letdowns we face when things don't go the way we want therefore it is important to recognize and appreciate the good things even if they seem small or ordinary whether it is a peaceful walk in the park a good book a love share with a friend or simply a quiet moment for ourselves these are worth noticing and cherishing by shifting our Focus From the black dots to the white space we can find more happiness and satisfaction in our daily life the teacher words stuck aord with the students he went on to say the dark spots are actually very small compared to everything else in our lives but they are what we often focus on and let bother us we should try to pay more attention to the bigger and brighter parts of our Lives be thankful for the good things and enjoy every moment that life offers aim to live so fully and joyfully that your legacy becomes Beacon of happiness and inspiration to others if we see in our lives we will find that our lives are just like a sheet of white paper with a black dot we all face some problems and challenges in our life but there are also a lot of good things around us that we might not notice however these problems do need our attention but they should not overshadow all the positive things we have often we only appreciate what we have after seeing someone who does not have the same things for instance seeing someone without a home can remind us to be thankful for our own likewise meeting someone who is blind can make us grateful for our sight it is common for us to overlook our blessings until we come across someone who is missing them our minds tends to focus on problems but we can train it to see the good things in our life as well choosing to focus on the positive aspects of Our Lives can really change how we see the word this does not mean we ignore our problems or pretend they are not there instead it means we acknowledge them but don't let them dominate our thoughts and feelings we try to maintain a balanced approach giving as much or more attention to the positive as to the negative ative this way of thinking can significantly improve our mental and emotional health it Fosters gratitude which boost happiness and reduce stress it strengthens our resilience making it easier for us to deal with life's challenges and encourages a positive outlook that can lead to a more rewarding and happy life so let us appreciate the white space in our lives and embrace the beauty and blessings each day brings in our life [Music]


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    SPWritten by Shravani pichkewar

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