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How to be happier when you are feeling low?

5 ways to be happy :)

By Sara MariumPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How to be happier when you are feeling low?
Photo by Ahmed Zayan on Unsplash

Looking at the clock, in the dungeon of demons that suck my energy away, a full hour passed....But I was still there in bed.

I tried to wake up early that morning and it didn’t go well at all – I felt like sleeping till noon!

I asked myself...why am I allowing myself to feel this way?

I convinced my brain and started finding the way out...

Gladly, I sorted it all...

So, my friend, you're feeling low, Right?

Please know that it's pretty normal - nothing to worry.

You're in the mood to be by yourself. You just want some time alone with your thoughts, and maybe a little bit of TV until you feel better. That's okay.

That said, you don't want to be in that mood forever!

You also want to get back into the swing of things again. How do you turn this feeling around?

Here are five ways:

This list is not exhaustive, but these are some good options for when you're low and need a way out

1) Plan a fun activity (something that will get your heart pumping)

This may sound like a no-brainer, but it's actually not that easy to do when you're feeling low.

But trust me: this will help get your mind out of the funk and into something more positive.

So pick an activity from the list below.

a) Go for a walk in nature

This is a great way to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

You'll also be giving yourself some time in solitude, which will give you an opportunity to sort out your thoughts.

This may sound like something that makes you feel worse, but it can actually help ease depression symptoms! So take advantage of this and do it.

b) Dance it out!

So this may sound silly, but it's actually a big mood booster.

Dancing is great exercise, so you'll be getting your heart pumping again while having fun too!

I know that when I dance for about 30 minutes or an hour, then I feel much better. It lifts my spirits and gives me energy to go about my day.

And it doesn't even have to be dancing like "Dancing with the Stars". Simply put on some upbeat music and dance around your living room or bedroom if you don’t want to do it in public!

Just make sure that you feel free enough to express yourself through movement, whatever form that takes for you.

2) Take up a new hobby or learn something new

This is another great way to boost your mood and get out of a slump.

When you're feeling low, it's easy to feel like everything in your life sucks right now – including yourself! And that can lead you into thinking that maybe every other area of your life should be terrible too (e.g., relationships, career, etc.).

But doing something new and exciting can give you a sense of purpose again.

You'll feel like your life is full of potential, rather than empty or doomed to fail as you may think when feeling low. This will help turn those negative thoughts around! And it's such an amazing way to boost your mood quickly too.

3) Get outside and enjoy nature

This is another one of my favorite things to do when I'm feeling low.

I find that taking a walk outside in nature does wonders for lifting me up again. It brings me back into the present moment, allowing me to forget about all my worries and problems (at least temporarily). And it's also great exercise too! So you get to kill two birds with one stone.

So take your low mood and turn it around by enjoying nature!

There's nothing like sitting on a park bench or hiking in the woods to give you an instant lift, particularly when you're feeling down. Plus, there are so many other benefits that go along with spending time outside too.

So take a little break outside and enjoy some time alone with yourself, even if just for a few minutes or an hour!

This will help change your point of view so much, allowing you feel better quickly.

4) Spend time with friends and family

This is another great way to feel better and get your mind off of those negative thoughts.

So call up a friend or two (or three) that you haven't seen in a while, then catch up over coffee or lunch.

You'll be reminded that there are other people out there who care about you too – like your friends! And you'll feel much better when spending time with people that care about you.

And if it's been a while since you've seen your family, then take some time out of the day to call them and catch up.

This will also help get your mind off of all those negative thoughts too! So don't forget about your friends

5) Practice self-care

This might be the most important thing to do when you're feeling low.

When we don't take care of ourselves, then we can easily get into a depressed state where everything seems bad or hopeless.

But self-care is such an amazing way to make yourself feel better and improve your mood quickly too! So it's definitely worth your time.

So take a nice, warm bath today and do something that you know will make you feel better! It could be reading a book or watching an uplifting movie – it's up to you to choose what makes YOU happy.

But whatever it is, make sure to indulge in some self-care today! And enjoy the benefits that come along with this.

Last but not the least, don't forget about all the positive things that are waiting for you just around the corner!

Try these methods out and see how they work for you – I know they'll help change your mood quickly too.

Have a happy day! xoxo

self help

About the Creator

Sara Marium

Born to bring words to life. Obsessed with storytelling and little things that make life beautiful. I write blogs related to self-improvement, mental health, productivity hacks and side-hustles.

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