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How the 1% successful people think while the 99% still remains the same

Consistency Inspires Confidence

By vishal GPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Florian Pérennès on Unsplash

In this article, we will explore how 1% of people think while the 99% still remain in the same position and waiting for a miracle to happen.

I would like to share a quote by Dr APJ Abdul kalam

Don't take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck

This is one of my favorite quotes and it adds more value to this article

Successful people don't stop once they achieve success.They have designed a mental model inside their head which follows the same routine every day.

I would like to share few of my favourite quotes

"With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance,all things are attainable"-Sir Thomas Buxton

"One person with a commitment is worth more than 100 people who have only an interest"-Mary Crowley

They cannot stop thinking since the model is created in their brain.

Even if they want to switch off the model it is really hard since the model is well trained for more than 10000+ hours give or take.

Here creating the model in your brain is a difficult task. Once you find a way to build your model you will be able to train the model and make sure when the test data is passed (Real world problems)it will automatically take the data and try to solve that problem.

Here I am using a Machine Learning analogy like creating model,training and testing the model.Since I am a software engineer my mind also a model is trained in such a way to look into solving real world problems.

Now coming back to the 1% people,how they achieved their model in such a way it cannot be shut down.It is quite simple they followed the 10000 hours principle to train their model.

Basically what the 10000 hours principle is you have to spend 10000 hours focusing on a single task which you love doing it can be in any sector like sports,education,arts etc.,

Once the model is trained we can test the model in real world problems.This is how a 1% people are successful while the 99% still figuring out how to train the model or in process of training the model.

Here the analogy of model is directed towards your brain.How you use your brain in training it and use it to solve real world problems.

Now that I have explained how you should train your brain .Let's get more into the technical real world where AI(Artificial Intelligence) is becoming a threat to our society.

The analogy which I used in this article to train your brain is actually the process followed in developing AI machines.

They are just training the model and giving the model to machines which are becoming much smarter than human beings.

You can take any example in our current real world scenario where you know your data is collected from your smartphones and laptops to train these machine models.

Now the model which is in creation by many tech giants once reach a limit where they have all the data to make a decision they are deployed into machines.

AI(Artificial Intelligence) will take over humanity in the coming years and the whole civilization will fall if these are not properly taken care of.

Okay lets come back into our topic on how people are successful

Basically, the rule is simple you have to invest your 10000 hours in acquiring a skill which you like to do and follow through the process

I would like to end this article by this quote

"No pressure No diamonds"-Mary Case

I hope I have given you a clear understanding of how to model your mind into success.

Hope you liked the article

Happy Learning

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