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How to become successful in your life

Change your thoughts, Change your life

By vishal GPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The greatest form of knowledge is knowing yourself. Knowing yourself starts with knowing your thoughts. Your mindset is nothing more than a compilation of your thoughts. Your thoughts have incredible power to shape your life and the lives of others, because your thoughts and interpretations of circumstances directly influence your beliefs, and ultimately, your actions

Famous quotes of Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam

You have to dream before your dreams can come true.You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future.No matter what is the environment around you, it is always possible to maintain brand of integrity.Thinking is the capital, Enterprise is the way, Hard Work is the solution.Be active! Take on responsibility! Work for the things you believe in. If you do not, you are surrendering your fate to others.

The great news is that you are in control of what you think. No one else has this power unless you give it away. You are the conductor of your own thoughts. Inspiring coaches choose to understand, control, and change their thoughts to form a positive mindset, which helps them elevate their coaching game.

The most important and pervasive source of input is you. No one is with you as much as you are. You have an opportunity every day to consciously give yourself positive input and reinforce your own positive actions.

Your mind can be your greatest ally or your worst enemy. Input from others, media, and yourself plant expectational seeds of success or failure in your mind. Seek positive inputs and you will improve your chances of producing positive outputs and responses. The choice is yours.

One of my favourite quotes is"You can't always control circumstances.But you can control your own thoughts"-Charles Popplestone

When was the last time you seriously thought about the wirds you use each and everyday?How carefully do you select them?

Your words have incredible power.Your words reinforce your beliefs and your beliefs create your reality.

Another famous quote is "We become part of what we are around"

Always surround yourself with positive people so that the thoughts will also be positive.

When you're gripped by fear and anxiety,it's usually because you're stepping out of your comfort zone.Let's take some time to discuss this important concept and how it relates to your success and the development of your potential.

Each of us has a comfort zone , a zone of behaviour that is familiar to us and where we feel comfortable and safe.The activites and situations that lie inside the circle are non threatening and familiar.They are routine,part of your everyday life-the things you can do with no sweat.In this category are tasks such as speaking to your friends or co - workers or filling out the daily paperwork at your job.

However occasionally you face experiencess or challenges that are outside your comfort zone.When faced with something outside your comfort zone,you suddenly feel nervous.Your palms become sweaty and your heart pounds.

When confronted with an anxiety-producing event,most people will retreat to avoid fear and anxiety.That's what I used to do.You see,backing away does relieve the fear and anxiety that would have resulted if you followed through with the activity.

For instance,if someone asks you to make a presentation within your company,and you decline,you save yourself the sleepless nights you'd have worrying about it..and the nervousness you'd experience in the days leading up to the presentation.

In fact,I've found that's the one and only benefit you get by retreating-a momentary avoidance of anxiety.

Think about it for a moment.Can you list any other benefits that people get when they refuse to confront their fears?

You know with this set of mindset what are the consequences you will face in your life

Your self esteem is lowered

You feel powerless

You sabotage your success

You lead an uneventful and boring life

This reminds me of a famous quote

"Running away from your fear is a losing strategy"-Jeff keller

Confront your fears and you're on the way to developing your potential and leading the exciting,fulfilling life you deserve.It's a decision you'll never regret.

Another famous quote"If you're positive and enthusiastic,people will want to spend time with you"

Now is the time to take control of your thoughts.Go ahead believe in yourself.Have the courage and persistence to follow your dreams.

Positive thoughts Positive results

Happy reading

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