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How Powerful is “No Pain, No Gain”?

This is probably one of the most power quotes …

By Young KingzPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
How Powerful is “No Pain, No Gain”?
Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

There’s a very good chance that you’ve come across the saying “no pain, no gain”. This quote is very popular amongst those who enjoy hitting the gym and getting a nice pump. The meaning behind this quote is that in order for you muscles to grow, you’ll have to shred the fibres so that can grow back bigger and stronger. This progress causes physical pain because you’re shredding your muscles, but the pain is always worth it.

This is one of the golden quotes that applies in all aspects of life, from fitness to dating, from finances to mental health. Many people don’t realise this. You’ve probably faced different challenges and setbacks in these areas, but have you ever sat back and wondered what kind of lessons have been learnt? Have you every thought about the progress you were making and the impact of your failures have had on it?

Pain and gain in your everyday life

In order for you to achieve something, you always need to put in the effort. Nothing worth having in life comes without a little effort. The same way you have to put the work into training to become fitter, you need to put the work in to learning skills when building a business.

You’ll probably encounter pain when losing money. However, those mistakes will teach you some of the most important lessons. When you’re looking for love, you have to face rejection when approaching people. The list goes on and on. When you pursue your goals, there’s always going be some sort of pain that you’ll have to go through in order for you to reach your goals. It may be physical pain in the gym or mental pain and stress in business.

No matter what your dreams are, start seeing them from this perspective. Just like at the gym, every moment of pain and discomfort will be rewarded later. Never be afraid to enough pain. Pain is a sign othat you’re making progress. The burn in your muscles will make them stronger, the pain of getting rejected will teach you how to approach better, and the paing of losing money will teach you many valuable lessons in business.

All of the pain that you’re going to encounter on your journer will help you success at something later. Masterping any area of life will require those painful repetitions and effort. No book or any information will be able to replace the experience gained from your own experiences. Always remember it’s okay to fail, it’s okay to be stressed, and it’s okay to feel confused. It just means that you’re improving.

Always use pain to your advantage

You might think I’m crazy when i say “always use pain to your advantage”. However, what I mean from this is start to see your failures, rejections, and pain from a new perspective. One of the biggest differences between the top 1% of successful people and mediocrity is the way they treat failure.

Instead of seeing painful failure and a sign of defeat, consider it a great lesson. Just like a rep in the gym. The more it hurts, the more it will reward you later.

A rep in business could be investing in training that doesn’t work but will teach you how to find one that does work. A rep in dating could be a brutal heartbreak, but this heartbreak will teach you not to put another person on a pedestal. A rep with your mental health could be a negative experience that forces you to learn to control anxiety.

Do you see my point here? One of the fundamental always in this world is that if you want to achieve something great, you’re gooing to need to put the work in and leave your comfort zone.

Many people won’t do this. Why? Simply because they’re not patient enough to be consistent or their ego and fear of failure are stopping them. Don’t let that toxic mentality hold you back. Rather that shrinking away and avoiding the risk of pain, put yourself out there and do that rep! And when you do those reps, over and over again, you’ll reach that level of success that you’ve been trying to reach. Rather than seeing your failures as heavy bricks in your mental backpack, you’re using them to build stairs that will reach the clouds.

Pain… The greates motivator

Have you ever seen the following phenomenon in your life? Someon faces a horrible setback in their life such as failing in their career or a brutal heartbreak. For a while, they’re down, feeling terrible. But then after a little while, they change. they become a new, better version of themselves. They may even claim that the setback was the best thing that ever happened for them.

I certainly have experienced this. The reason why this happens is simple. When life hits you hard, you end up in a situation so painful, that it nearly forces you to take action and improve your life. Once you have taken that action, you become the new, better version of yourself.

There are two types of motivation. The first type is the desire to move towards pleasure. This is the most common type of motivation. People see something they want and they go for it. Then there is the more powerful type of motivation - the urge to move away from pain. The second type of motivation gives you better results. This is because you start from a situation thats painful, something that you want to get rid of. It may be a little uncomfortable in the beginning, but at the same time it is very effective. This how many people turn a major set back into their greatest advantage.

Start seeing different forms of pain and discomfort as reps that will reward you later. Just like at the gym once you apply the principle of “no pain, no gain” to everything that you do, you’ll be able to achieve anything that you set your mind to.

self help

About the Creator

Young Kingz

Let’s see if my creative writing makes me rich 🤑

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