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How 10 Minutes of Daily Meditation Can Calm Your Mind and Relax Your Body

“Peace. It does not mean being in a place where there is no noise, no trouble or no hard work. It means being in the middle of these things and being calm in your heart. ”~ Unknown

By Sulav kandelPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
How 10 Minutes of Daily Meditation Can Calm Your Mind and Relax Your Body
Photo by Katerina Jerabkova on Unsplash

“Peace. It does not mean being in a place where there is no noise, no trouble or no hard work. It means being in the middle of these things and being calm in your heart. ”~ Unknown

I started the morning with meditation. After taking my dog ​​out and drinking coffee, I sat in my living room in the sun, with my little dog Frankie sitting next to me. I was adorned with horizontal legs and a blue pillow under my thigh to keep me warm. I closed my eyes and began to focus on my breathing.

Ten minutes later, I raised my hands in gratitude. “Thank you for this day. Thank you for my family and our health. Give me strength, wisdom, and love. ”Then I stretched out my hands,“ To give strength, wisdom, and love. ” Finally, stretching both arms out, I move my fingers to my basic view, a reminder that I should be fully aware of. This is how I start every day.

This was not always the case. My older brother Marc tried to reason with me at the age of fourteen. Although he was a patient teacher, I did not understand the point of exercise.

“Let's stay together. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. ”

“Why should I do this?

“Just stay, Lise. It's good to read. We will do it together. ”

"Okay, but why?"

Marc tried, but I refused. I stopped meditating as soon as he returned to college.

Many years later, as part of my mental training, I took classes that meditated on how to reduce stress. During class, there were shows I always enjoyed. I sat back, took a deep breath, felt a deep flow of relaxation inside me. However, at home, I did not follow through. As soon as the classes are over, so does my meditation.

My success in daily meditation took place in 2020, one of the few good things that came out of that terrible year. I was at home, for almost every moment of my life. I don’t have to get out of the house, have the courage to drive, and get to the office at 9:00. In the morning it stretches more. It was easy to get those ten minutes to breathe every morning.

Now I live every day. I scan my whole body, noting the points of tension, areas of pain and pressure. A simple awareness of intensity removes any pain, and my body stays.

My mind, free from my to-do list, drifts away, as it were, floating on the waves of a gentle sea. I hear the sounds of the house around me, the heater outside, working hard to warm our home; Frankie the dog next to me, sighs. The tissues of my stomach do not light up well. I see thoughts creeping in. I don't care. Thoughts fade. Peace.

Well, that's when meditation goes well. Sometimes every minute it opens. My skin is itchy. “I forgot to return the call,” I thought, and my body warned. “No, I have to write to that mother!” My throat tightens up. "What if that editor doesn't like what I sent you?" My stomach is as thick as a knot. I can't let these thoughts go. “I absorb meditation. Why can't I just breathe? When will these ten minutes end? ”

Sometimes meditation goes like this. There is not always peace, and it does not always sound good. The key, I’m told, is keeping it. As with any skill, the more we practice, the better we get at it. It is not dangerous to say that someone is "doing meditation." I didn’t get the honor of writing in one year anymore.

If you look like a fourteen-year-old child, you might ask, why do you meditate at all? There are so many benefits I don't even know where to start; here is the selected list. Meditation…

It soothes anxiety: When you learn to concentrate, your mind does not become anxious about “what to say,” it grows into anxious nerves.

Reduce anger: Focusing on breathing calms the mind, stopping our inward anger toward those who have offended us.

Improves the immune system: The body is not designed to be in a permanent “fight or flight” mode. When we are tense, our immune system works poorly. At rest, our immune system resumes its function.

Lower blood pressure: Meditation is a proven way to improve high blood pressure.

Manages emotional regeneration: This is great. It is easy for me, the sensitive soul that I am, to feel the pain and hurt of other people. Meditation allows me to take a moment to calm down, and I find inner peace. When I am calm, I find relief from my emotional turmoil. I can bring more thought and wisdom into my relationship.

Happily, meditation benefits last ten minutes a day.

Now that I get used to it, I can see that my shoulders are pounding. Thoughtfully, I could lower those shoulders down.

I can see my stomach churning, and I can breathe that argument away.

I can see when my mind is anxiously circling my to-do list and I can tell my mind to relax.

The awareness from the usual ten-minute interventions follows me throughout my day, helping me to stay calm and more calm.

In the past, I was preparing for a radio interview, as part of my recent book promotion. I had an hour to spare, and I thought I would immediately call the insurance company.

This "fast" call lasted 40 minutes in a rage. I was standing, listening to inane music, in a never-ending loop of abuse. Eventually, the customer service response came, but we had a bad relationship. I could hear him a little, since he was no doubt on another continent, and I did not understand him.

After a brief exchange, which I can hardly imagine, she said she could not help me. I got off the phone in disgust.

“I'm so angry! I just spent an hour on the phone with this stupid company and now I have a 15 minute chat. What a waste of time! I have this conversation on the radio and I am so angry I can’t even imagine! ”

My husband looked at me. "Why don't you do your meditation thing?"

I glared at him. I just wanted to complain about fairness. But my husband was right; I was dangerous.


About the Creator

Sulav kandel

Im a contain writter.

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    Sulav kandelWritten by Sulav kandel

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