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Her Powerful Story

It wasn't courage that drove her. It was desperation.

By Andrea KaldyPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Dark of Moon on the beach

"She's so brave! Her courage to be out there and so visibly powerful is so inspiring! She has the guts to put herself forward! "

She's not brave! Her display of power is not driven by courage! She's not out there wielding her power because she has the guts!

She's making herself be seen and heard because she finally realised that she deserves to occupy the space she's in and more.

She had the epiphany one day that she's allowed, no, entitled, to expand out of her tiny sandbox space that the world has decided to allow her to have.

She finally realised that her sandbox just couldn't contain her amazingness anymore. She knew she had to expand outside of it or she would implode.

It wasn't courage that drove her. It was desperation. Because she had tried EVERYTHING to realise herself within the confines of that sandbox. The sandbox that the world had assigned and allocated for her.

The sandbox that she was supposed to live out the rest of her life in. Because while she was confined to the boundaries of that box, the world was safe from her brilliance, from her light.

She was convinced from the get-go that her light was something that had to be contained for the comfort and safety of humanity.

By the time she was an adult, she believed that her brilliance, her amazingness, her power, when unleashed, was dangerous. The world didn't need to keep her in bounds. She did an excellent job of that herself.

Except ...

she has been dying on the inside. Slowly and for a long time.

One day, she woke up and felt the wild, irrepressible urge to challenge those bounds. She was very aware that she was also scared shitless. She had not the faintest idea of what will happen after.

She started out demanding to know why those bounds were put on her and by whom. The world couldn't give her an answer.

The world didn't give a single fuck about the fact that she was bound and she was wasting away.

It was then that she knew, if she wanted to live and not just exist, she had to remove those bounds herself.

She intuited that it wasn't going to be easy because the world taught her that she was weak. She was not made for the firey, explosive, soul-shattering stuff she started to believe she had in her.

So she went out, into the dark. By herself, apart from that little flame inside of herself she was nurturing, kindling, loving for a while now. Because it was better for her to walk her own path, even if in the dark, than to walk someone else's with all the others who were still bound.

In the dark, she walked for a while. Scared out of her wits but knowing it was the right decision. Until she came across someone else who was just like her.

She now had a sister to nurture and kindle their rebellious flame with. Someone else who found the bounds of their sandbox suffocating and wanted to expand out of it as much as she did.

And there were two. Their flame was now bigger and was lighting up the darkness and then others started to see it and join them.

And that flame grew and grew and their light grew and grew. And their power was beginning to be seen and heard by more and more of their sisters and from further and further away.

Her rebellious movement of revelation and her absolute and utter conviction that she deserved all the space she wanted in the world has grown so big that the world couldn't deny her existence anymore.

She looked around and saw that what she was revealing and expanding into was infinite space. No limits, no boundaries, no rules. She saw all the others who were following her example.

Not her example of courage but her unshakeable and rock-solid belief that she was worthy of being more than those parameters meted out to her by people whose interest it was to keep her power locked away, inaccessible to her.

So she waved to them to walk with her and she led them into that limitless, unbounded space where they all unfurled their brilliance, from beginning to end, heart and soul.

And then her work was done. For now.

self help

About the Creator

Andrea Kaldy

Andrea Kaldy is a priestess dedicated to reacquainting today’s women with their power. She teaches spiritual and non-spiritual women how to access their power through practical magick and intentional, focused and intuitive energy work.

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    Andrea KaldyWritten by Andrea Kaldy

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