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Help Me

My life as a helper

By Savannah Brock Published 3 years ago 3 min read
Help Me
Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

In this world today, it's tough. People are losing friends and loved ones by the minute. Some of us are stressed because jobs have been shut down. Some are struggling to maintain their daily lives. Some are in constant battles with other people views, boundaries, and/or other things. Mostly, some of us are in constant battles with ourselves.

This is where I come into play. I work in the local CSB (community services board) where I'm from. Starting off about 12 years ago working with individuals with mental disabilities to working 4 years in an all-male inpatient treatment facility. The last 6 years I've committed myself to working in mental health and substance abuse (all the same company). My daily task is to assist individuals that want to fix things within their lives that are unhealthy behaviors. There are a number of people who want help getting off of some type of substance. I assist with coordinating this for them.

Getting to know these individuals is very rewarding. NO, I'm not saying that oh it's all peaches and cream, I get talked down to a lot. No hard feelings ever because there are a lot of people who are sick physically and mentally. I love what I have committed myself to doing with others. I look at it like this. It's hard enough to go to a stranger and pour your life out to them. Whether you're just getting out of jail, or you being a parent who is in the process of losing their children, or just want to change your daily lifestyle it's not ideally to let a total stranger know these things. Some don't have the means of leaving their families because they are the sole bread winner. Some feel just horrible instead having to choose between working on themselves or working for their family to maintain. STRESS! I come in with empowerment, respect, a listening ear, and patience with anyone that I come across. Some are not even in a healthy state of mind to know what they want to do for themselves at the time. Some may need some type of outpatient class like an intensive outpatient group or something like anger management.

My role is to assist with the person as a whole. If they are needing to deal with drug issues they do so but also assist them for when they are ready to move on to working on the mental aspect of things. Many of us don't grasp the concept that substance abuse and mental health goes hand and hand. Some use to cope with feelings sadness, anxiety, depression etc., but lack to understand why they are even using. I get it some want the feeling that comes along with the high but continuously feel sadness, anxiety, depression etc., when they are not using. It's because we are attempting to cover up the hurt and stress behind it all. Which is a lot of stress still.

My reward comes from the hard work I see these individuals put in. Not for the us(staff) or the probation officers etc., but for themselves. Some work so hard to maintain themselves being parents, being workers, and even just humans in society. Some come in homeless with nothing but by the time they are done they are walking into a place they can call home. They are healthier than they were from the moment we’ve met and some are even passing along helpful information or resources to their loved ones. It’s almost like watching someone grow up to be the best person that the can be and that all started with an idea of stepping out of the box. Most but not least the individual always has the chance to walk away with another support system. Which nobody can have too many supporters.

Supporting someone through hardship gives them hope, gives them a reason to become a better person, it gives them a lot to look forward to and last but not least it gives them a shot on a better life.


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  • Seriously Caring2 years ago

    This story was really healing and I admire your power as a healer to care for individuals who struggle with life's greatest challenges (from within). I understand you to be a remarkable person, and I am glad I read this.

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